A Cosmic Sea of Words - The ECKANKAR Lexicon
Autor: Klemp, Harold Second Edition 2009, (large paperback, 250 pages)(Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE) "Sri Harold has updated and expanded this must-have companion to the spiritual works of ECK. With over 200 new entries, including new and updated graphics, your explorations of more than 1900 key spiritual terms and concepts will provide you with endless inspiration. Each term is defined and cross-referenced to other relevant terms. Pronunciations are included to assist you with speaking about ECKANKAR. As a spiritual exercise, open this book at random to discover new insights about the inner planes and ECK Masters. Every ECK chela and serious seeker will want this key reference to the ECKANKAR works. This book can help you open your heart and replace your fears with God’s love." (blurb) Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-286-6 250 Seiten Einband: Softcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00012 |
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Animals Are Soul Too! (earlier version)
Autor: Klemp, Harold Neu siehe BE00218. large paperback, 254 pages, (Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE) "Fur, feathers, scales, or skin, Sri Harold Klemp says we're all woven of the same fine cloth by the Creator, here to learn from each other—to help, love, and respect each other. Open this book and enjoy the incre-dible stories about the spiritual awareness of animals, what they have to teach us, and how they too are carriers of divine love. Every chapter features an easy spiritual exercise to help you enlarge your aware-ness of our divine kinship with animals as Soul—and with all living things. Lighthearted illustrations and unique spiritual exercises make this a perfect gift for animal lovers with spiritual interests. Enjoy this de-lightful view into the spiritual relationships of Soul!." (blurb) Siehe auch ... (hier klicken) Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-214-9 254 Seiten Einband: Softcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00090 |
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Ask the Master (Book 1) (earlier version)
Autor: Klemp, Harold Neu siehe BE00206, large paperback, 202 pages, (Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE) "What is Soul? How do past lives affect us today? What is my purpose in life? Is Eckankar the right religion for me?Chelas (students of ECK) write to the Master with their deepest questions about life situations and loved ones, nightly dreams, and dreams of the heart. The responses in this book give direct insights that can benefit many. These excerpts from personal letters are shared to give Soul aid on Its journey home to God.In the form of questions and answers, each letter gives a spiritual boost to you as the words expand you vision. You’ll learn how every human situation is punctuated with the quest for spiritual freedom.The wisdom in this book can help you become happier, overcome fear, improve family relationships, learn self-discipline, be more creative, solve spiritual problems, and most important, open your heart.This book has been updated to include sidebar quotes that spotlight spiritual insights on each page.." (blurb) Siehe alle Teile dieser Reihe Diesen Artikel in allen verfügbaren Sprachen anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-012-1 202 Seiten Einband: Softcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00003 |
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Bienvenue dans le merveilleux monde ECK!
Autor: Klemp, Harold (grand format, 101 pages). Neu siehe BF00059. Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE "Ce charmant petit guide souligne les joies et les avantages sans nombre liés à l'adhésion ECK. Le Maître y répond à des questions que lui posent des membres ECK de fraîche date et dispense de précieux conseils qui orienteront votre démarche d'investigations de la spiritualité. Y compris quatre dépliants d'Eckankar: La classe ECK-Satsang, Le Maître ECK Vivant et vous, Les services aux membres et vous et Temple of ECK." (quatrième de couverture) Diesen Artikel in allen verfügbaren Sprachen anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-275-0 101 Seiten Einband: Softcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BF00024 |
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Cloak of Consciousness (Mahanta Transcripts, Book 5)(earlier version)
Autor: Klemp, Harold (large paperback, 294 pages). Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE "It takes a special individual—one who is filled with love, who has the Golden Heart—to wear the cloak, or mantle, of God. How does one surround himself with the cloak of God’s love? Through association with the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master and practice of the Spiritual Exercises of ECK. Each of us can become free, as Soul. Then we can better recognize this cloak of divine love in our lives every day. We protect ourselves from the harsh world by surrounding ourselves with a cocoon made up of our fears. But this sheath keeps us from enjoying a full, rich life. Through the Light and Sound of God, we learn to drop these fears and replace them with the cloak of God’s love. As we do, it’s as if our pockets were being emptied of heavy sandbags. Soul becomes a little lighter, a little freer. This freedom brings a new ability to open your heart to love and joy. There is much to contemplate within the pages of this fifth book of the Mahanta Transcripts series. Each story illustrates how you can bring the blessings of Divine Spirit into your daily life. A section of questions and answers gets to the heart of your relationship with the ECK. Other chapters show how to get the most out of your spiritual exercises and tell more about being a Co-worker with God." (blurb) Siehe alle verfügbaren Englischen Mahanta Transcripts Siehe auch ... (hier klicken) Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-006-0 294 Seiten Einband: Softcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00011 |
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Die Welten von ECK
Autor: Klemp, Harold Karte, farbig, A4 Ecke geknickt, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE "Eine farbige Karte der Ebenen Gottes, in A4."(Klappentext) Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de Einband: Blatt 2.00 EUR 2.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: CHD00002X |
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Dreams - Gateway to Your Inner Worlds (457mm x 610mm)
Art Poster Restbestand. EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE "The beauty of the ECK glows in these soft colors." (61,0 x 45,70 cm, artist: Merrill Peterson) Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de 9.00 EUR 9.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: PO00002 |
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ECK Color and Activity Book
Autor: Klemp, Harold (8.5-by-11-inch booklet, 33 pages). Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE "For young children who love to color! This activity book has a new drawing on each page and tells the story of a child's day. Children can also create their own drawings of a dream they had. Or of a meeting with an ECK Master in a spiritual exercise. They can draw the sounds of ECK they may hear. What they saw on a visit to a Golden Wisdom Temple. Or even the ways they serve ECK when they bring joy and goodwill to all they do. This coloring book teaches basic spiritual principles about dreams, the imagination, and Soul Travel. It's a fun activity for families to enjoy together."(blurb) Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-099-2 33 Seiten Einband: Softcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: YE00003 |
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ECK Parable & Activity Kit for Youth(with CD, Ages 3-13)
Autor: Klemp, Harold Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE "More than three hundred fun, enriching activities you can use at home, ECK Worship Services, ECK classes, and everywhere! Each illustrated parable, puzzle, and spiritual exercise leads your child to their own personal discoveries with the Mahanta. All activities also included on a CD for convenience. Includes activities ideal for ages three to thirteen." (blurb) (8.5-by-11-inch sheets, 282 pages, with CD) Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: CDE00014 |
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ECKANKAR Book Concordance
CD (Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE) "A compilation of the indexes and tables of contents of forty-eight ECK books, including fifteen of the Mahanta Transcripts and The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad, Books One and Two." (blurb) For use with PDF and MS Word 97-2002 and 6.0/95 Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: CDE00001 |
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ECKANKAR Graphics Kit
Autor: Klemp, Harold Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: YE00045 |
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CD (Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE) "This tape index was lovingly compiled by volunteers from ECKANKAR's audiocassettes released through the year 2000. The Talks were given by Sri Harold Klemp, Paul Twitchell, and other ECK preseters. This excellent tool can greatly expedite your ECK research when you are pregaring for a talk or a class, or for learning more about a spiritual subject important to you. Many topics are available, including: ECK Masters, healing, destiny, dreams, reincarnation, Soul Travel, and much more." (blurb) For use with Acrobat Reader or MS Word 97-2002 and 6.0/95 Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: CDE00003 |
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Group Portrait of ECK Masters, gross (earlier version)
8 by 10 inches - 203mm x 254mm. Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE Siehe auch ... (hier klicken) Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: DRC00014 |
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Group Portrait of ECK Masters, klein (earlier version)
7x5 Inches - 178 x 127mm. Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE Siehe auch ... (hier klicken) Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de 4.00 EUR 4.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: DRC00013 |
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Hello Friend - A Journey in ECK
Autor: Simpson, Patti Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE, (large paperback, 145 pages) "Frankly and honestly, with warmth, compassion, and her ever-present humor, Patti Simpson explores the experiences, doubts, and questions common to seekers of God. She provides an awe-inspiring glimpse into the future we could experience on our spiritual journey. Patti Simpson was an early student of Paul Twitchell, former Living ECK Master and modern-day founder of Eckankar. She served as a teacher, writer, and lecturer on Eckankar for many years." (blurb) Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-055-8 145 Seiten Einband: Softcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00025 |
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How I learned Soul Travel
Autor: Willson, Terill (large paperback, 176 pages). Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE "The first time Terrill Willson moved out of his physical body, he had never heard of Soul Travel. It just happened. But this exciting taste of life beyond death made him want to do it again - this time in full, conscious control. Then a friend gave him a book of Eckankar, the Ancient Science of Soul Travel, 'ECKANKAR - The Key to Secret Worlds'. The author, Paul Twitchell, suggested that getting out of the body was completely natural - a latent ability that most people leave behind with childhood. A step-by-step explanation of how the author learned this spiritual skill." (blurb) Diesen Artikel in allen verfügbaren Sprachen anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-235-4 176 Seiten Einband: Softcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00027 |
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How to Find God (Mahanta Transcripts, Book 2) (earlier version)
Autor: Klemp, Harold Neu siehe BE00198, Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE, (large paperback, 375 pages) "Down through time, the ECK Masters of the Vairagi passed on the secrets of how God speaks to us. As you read, you'll discover Spirit can come to us as unexpected, sparkling pinpoints of Light, or often unnoticed inner sounds - like the hum of hightension wires, the wisper of a gentle sweeping wind, or the mellow sound of a flute. Sometimes It nudges us through a dream, a strange coincidence, or an intuitive hunch. Today the author, Sri Harold Klemp, teaches the most direct way to this God-knowledge." (blurb) Diesen Artikel in allen verfügbaren Sprachen anzeigen Siehe alle verfügbaren Englischen Mahanta Transcripts Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-004-6 375 Seiten Einband: Softcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00029 |
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HU - A Love Song to God
Autor: Klemp, Harold CD (EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE) "This wonderful introduction to the ECK teachings is now available on CD. Features highlights of Sri Harold Klemp's talks with accompanying narration, plus a twenty-minute recording of a beautiful group HU song. "(blurb)
TRACK 12 contains a twenty-minute recording of a group of people singing HU. You can sing HU along with this uplifting musical sound or listen to it to help attune yourself to the ever-present reality of God in your life. This presentation features Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar. He is the author of Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel, along with more than sixty other published works about the journey home to god. Known as a pioneer of "everyday spirituality," he is helping thousands discover the way of bringing the enlightenment af Soul into everyday life and practice. Diesen Artikel in allen verfügbaren Sprachen anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: CDE00013 |
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HU - The Most Beautiful Prayer (with CD of the HU song)
Autor: Klemp, Harold EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE, (hardback, 68 pages) "“If you want to lift yourself to a higher state of consciousness so that the political issues, the family issues, and social issues of the day do not throw you out of balance, so that you can find a happier, more conten-ted life while you’re living here,” says author Harold Klemp, “sing HU, the most beautiful prayer.” This simple prayer, singing HU, will change you. It will open your eyes to see clearly the miracles happening around you every day. You’ll find in this beautiful, hardcover gift book twelve concise chapters of heart-opening stories, special spiritual exercises, and penetrating insights. HU, the Most Beautiful Prayer also includes a CD with the sound of thousands of people singing this majestic love song to God. Whether you sing along with it or just listen, it can elevate your consciousness instantly. Anyone can sing HU regardless of age, background, or religion. Could you or someone you know benefit from divine comfort, healing, encouragement, or guidance? This wonderful book is the key to opening your heart to God’s love. See the complete Table of Contents. Includes a CD with the sound of thousands of people singing this love song to God." (blurb) Diesen Artikel in allen verfügbaren Sprachen anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-283-5 68 Seiten Einband: Hardcover 12.00 EUR 12.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00117 |
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HU - Un chant d'amour à Dieu
Autor: Klemp, Harold CD, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE "HU, cet ancien nom de Dieu que vous pouvez chanter, est un hymne d'amour adressé à l'Être suprême. Si vous le chantez ou le maintenez dans votre esprit lorsque vous vivez des moments difficiles, il se transforme en une prière des plus élevée. -Harold Klemp-. Les PISTES 1 à 11 de ce cédérom présentent des exercices spirituels, une technique de rêve et des perles de sagesse proposés par Harold Klemp, le chef spirituel d'Eckankar. Chacun d'eux vise à élever votre conscience spirituelle. La PISTE 12 comporte vingt minutes d'enregistrement d'un chant du HU exécuté en groupe. Vous pouvez accompagner ce son inspirant et musical en chantant HU ou simplement l'écouter pour vous harmoniser avec la réalité de Dieu toujours présente dans votre vie." Diesen Artikel in allen verfügbaren Sprachen anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: CDF00001 |
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In the Company of the ECK Masters
Autor: Morimitsu, Phil (large paperback, 288 pages). Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE "No matter how much proof a man has about anything, it won't become a reality until he knows it to be true in his heart, by his own experience. Graphic artist and author Phil Morimitsu had been reading about a line of spiritual teachers known as the ECK Masters. Through the Soul Travel techniques he had learned in his studies of Eckankar, he began to have experiences with these Masters. As the experiences faded with time, he began to wonder. Had they really happened, or had he just imagined them? ..." (blurb) Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-058-9 288 Seiten Einband: Softcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00032 |
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Is Life a Random Walk?
Autor: Klemp, Harold Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE, (small booklet, 44 pages) "Great skeptics and doubters often go farthest on the path to God. Someone may ask, 'Is there hope for me? I don't buy this God stuff.' No problem, take your time, for all seekers must proceed at their own pace. But one truth I can give you is the word HU and the spiritual exercices to find God. Yet the success of these depends upon you. Can you spend a few minutes a day to open your heart to the Holy Spirit? To do the spiritual exercises with love and passion?" (blurb) Diesen Artikel in allen verfügbaren Sprachen anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-172-2 44 Seiten Einband: Softcover 3.00 EUR 3.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00069 |
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La Parole de Vie, tome 2
Autor: Klemp, Harold (grand format, 268 pages). Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE "Voici le grand secret pour améliorer votre vie spirituelle. C'est une réalité dont vous faites peut-être l'expérience en ce moment même. Il s'agit de la Lumière et du Son de Dieu. Cette Lumière que l'apôtre Paul avait aperçu à Damas est celle-là même que voient encore aujourd'hui les adeptes des enseignement anciens d'Eckankar. Il en va pareillement du Son, que les apôtres saisirent à la Pentecôte comme un violent coup de vent et que vous aussi pouvez entendre sous la forme d'une note de flûte ..." (quatrième de couverture) Siehe alle Teile dieser Reihe Diesen Artikel in allen verfügbaren Sprachen anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-134-0 268 Seiten Einband: Softcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BF00012 |
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Le Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad, Deuxième Livre
Autor: Twitchell, Paul nouveau :BF00052,stock résiduel, prix fortement réduit, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE, Cinquième tirage 2009, (grand format, 312 pages) "Les enseignements ECK précisent la nature de l'Âme. Vous êtes Âme, c'est-à-dire une parcelle de Dieu envoyée dans les différents mondes, y compris sur la terre, pour acquérir une expérience spirituelle. Sur la voie du ECK, l'objectif est d'accéder à la liberté spirituelle durant la présente existence, après quoi vous devenez un collaborateur de Dieu, ici et dans l'au-delà. C'est aussi une voie où le karma et la réincarnation représentent des croyances fondamentales. Le Mahanta, le Maître ECK Vivant, constitue le pivot des enseignements ECK, lui qui possède la capacité particulière de jouer le rôle de Maître intérieur et extérieur pour les étudiants ECK. Il est le prophète d'Eckankar auquel on accorde son respect, sans lui vouer de culte. Il enseigne la doctrine du HU, le nom sacré de Dieu qui vous élève spirituellement vers la Lumière et le Son divins, le ECK (l'Esprit saint). Purifiés par la pratique des exercices spirituels ECK, vous pouvez dorénavant accepter, en totalité, l'amour de Dieu qui ensoleille votre vie actuelle. Sri Harold Klemp incarne le Mahanta, le Maître ECK Vivant. Il a écrit quantité de livres, de discours et d'articles qui concernent la vie spirituelle, et bon nombre de ses causeries publiques sont offertes sur bandes audio ou vidéo. Son enseignement est une source d'inspiration pour beaucoup de gens auxquels il permet de reconnaître et de comprendre leurs propres expériences de contact avec la Lumière et le Son de Dieu....." (quatrième de couverture) Siehe alle Teile dieser Reihe Diesen Artikel in allen verfügbaren Sprachen anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-073-2 312 Seiten Einband: Softcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BF00014 |
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Love - The Keystone of Life
Autor: Klemp, Harold (hardback, 154 pages). Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE "Love—The Keystone of Life speaks to the mutual respect and goodwill we can give to each other as Soul, the ability to recognize the uniqueness of the other person as a spark of God. Herein lies the key to love. Love builds bridges in all areas of life. Soul exists because God loves It. Soul equals Soul, no one Soul is greater than another. This hardcover volume of quotes offers gems of spiritual wisdom on giving, gratitude, recognizing God’s blessings, the power and beauty of HU, freedom, respect, divine love, spiritual growth, and so much more. Enliven your own inner experiences by using these quotes as contemplation seeds before sleep. This powerful book can change your life. A wonderful gift for yourself, your loved ones, friends, and acquaintances. Love—The Keystone of Life helps show Soul the way home to God." (blurb) alle 'Hardback Giftbook' anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-208-8 154 Seiten Einband: Hardcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00082 |
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Soul Travelers of the Far Country (earlier version of 1999)
Autor: Klemp, Harold Neu siehe BE00165. Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE, (large paperback, 275 pages) "This is the true story of the author's struggle to reach Mastership in an ancient line of spiritual teachers. To become the Living ECK Master. He accomplished his training, not off in a remote, ascetic setting, but through events of everyday life. Harold Klemp has served in the air force and worked as a printer. He is a husband and parent. He cared for his daughter when she was ill. Played softball with friends. Unlikely training for becoming a spiritual master? What he learned will help you ..." (blurb) Diesen Artikel in allen verfügbaren Sprachen anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-146-3 275 Seiten Einband: Softcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00047 |
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Spiritual Wisdom on Conquering Fear
Autor: Klemp, Harold (small booklet, 60 pages, Restbestand - nur solange Vorrat, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE) "What if the antidote to fear - any fear - lay within easy distance? Would you reach for it often? Inside this book you can find a voice of comfort, wisdom, and selfmastership. Try the spiritual exercise on page 43 to begin your journey of spiritual healing from fear today." (blurb) Siehe alle Teile dieser Reihe Diesen Artikel in allen verfügbaren Sprachen anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-219-4 60 Seiten Einband: Softcover 0.00 EUR 0.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00091 |
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Spiritual Wisdom on Health and Healing
Autor: Klemp, Harold (small booklet, 70 pages, Restbestand - nur solange Vorrat, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE) "Spiritual Wisdom on Health and Healing will help you see yourself and your state of health from a higher perspective than you've likely ever imagined possible. What is the greatest creative force you can use for healing? How do miracles occur? Where does healing come from? How can you heal the past to help yourself now? Try the spiritual exercises to begin your journey of spiritual healing today." (blurb) Siehe alle Teile dieser Reihe Diesen Artikel in allen verfügbaren Sprachen anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-230-9 70 Seiten Einband: Softcover 0.00 EUR 0.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00099 |
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Spiritual Wisdom on Karma and Reinkarnation
Autor: Klemp, Harold (small booklet, 74 pages, Restbestand - nur solange Vorrat, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE) "Spiritual Wisdom on Karma and Reincarnation can help you find greater love and spiritual freedom! You will discover: how you got here, who the Lords of Karma are, how to correct karmic patterns and avoid sowing unwanted karmic seeds in your life, how to learn from your past lives, how to graduate from the wheel of reincarnation and much more. Try the techniques and spiritual exercises on pages 16, 47, and 57 to begin a more joyful and fulfilling life today." (blurb) Siehe alle Teile dieser Reihe Diesen Artikel in allen verfügbaren Sprachen anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-327-6 74 Seiten Einband: Softcover 0.00 EUR 0.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00124 |
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Spiritual Wisdom on Prayer, Meditation and Contemplation
Autor: Klemp, Harold (small booklet, 69 pages, Restbestand - nur solange Vorrat, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE) "Discover the most secret part of yourself.“ A search for happiness is the pursuit of God,” says Sri Harold. “Yet the reason so many people fail to find happiness is because they look for it in the wrong place—at the market instead of in their hearts.” This pocket-size booklet can help you, your friends and family, and spiritual seekers you meet discover the secret of true happiness via the Spiritual Exercises of ECK. It traces the natural progression of building your relationship with God through prayer, meditation, and contemplation. Spiritual Wisdom on Prayer, Meditation, and Contemplation features spiritual exercises that can help you find the source of all truth, the most secret part of yourself, the heart of love." (blurb) Siehe alle Teile dieser Reihe Diesen Artikel in allen verfügbaren Sprachen anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-282-8 69 Seiten Einband: Softcover 0.00 EUR 0.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00116 |
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Spiritual Wisdom on Relationships
Autor: Klemp, Harold (small booklet, 69 pages, Restbestand - nur solange Vorrat, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE)) "Spiritual Wisdom on Relationships can help you find graeter happiness in your relationships! You will discover the source of love, the secret of all relationships, wisdom on strengthening a marriage, how to love yourself, how to find solace when a loved one dies, your bond of love with all life - and with God, and much more. Try the techniques and spiritual exercises to begin a happier, more fulfilling life today." (blurb) Siehe alle Teile dieser Reihe Diesen Artikel in allen verfügbaren Sprachen anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-242-2 69 Seiten Einband: Softcover 0.00 EUR 0.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00107 |
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Spirituelle Weisheit zu Gebet, Meditation und Kontemplation
Autor: Klemp, Harold SONDERPREIS, nur solange Vorrat, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE (Paperback, kleines Format, 69 Seiten) "Spirituelle Weisheit zu Gebet, Meditation und Kontemplation wird Ihr Leben verändern! Entdecken Sie:
Pobieren Sie die Techniken und spirituellen Übungen auf den Seiten 49 bis 58 aus, damit Sie noch heute ein reicheres, glücklicheres und erfüllteres spirituelles Leben beginnen können." (Klappentext) Siehe alle Teile dieser Reihe Diesen Artikel in allen verfügbaren Sprachen anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-3-942577-01-4 69 Seiten Einband: Softcover 2.00 EUR 2.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BD00039 |
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Talons of Time
Autor: Twitchell, Paul Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE, (large paperback, 172 pages) "If it weren't for the Magicians of Lo, and their associates like Harry Glazer and John Skally, placed upon this earth fo maintain the continued fight against Kal Niranjan and the Time Makers, all time and motion, which are the basic elements upon which this universe is founded, would stop, and life would come to a halt! ...If we would learn what the Talons of Time are, then we could learn the whole secret of this strange phenomenon of nature. This is one of the deepest secrets of Eckankar." (blurb) Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-041-1 172 Seiten Einband: Softcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00053 |
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Talons of Time (Graphic Novel)
Autor: Twitchell, Paul Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE(large paperback, 101pages) "Do you have what it takes to travel trillions of miles to the edge of the universe? Can you handle an adventure beyond time and space? If you have the nerve, behold 'Talons of Time'." (blurb) Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-147-0 101 Seiten Einband: Softcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00096 |
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The Awakened Heart
Autor: Klemp, Harold (hardback, 146 pages). Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE "“When love fills our heart,” says Sri Harold, “it becomes the awakened heart. “We suddenly see and understand all there is to know about life itself—that it is good, that it is necessary, and that we exist because God loves us. That’s all there is to the mystery of life. Soul exists because God loves It.” In this hardcover volume of quotes the Master bestows the deepest secrets of love and compassion. He shows you how your life can suddenly move in a new direction, bringing you direct experience of the Holy Spirit, the Light and Sound of God. You’ll learn who you are and why you’re here: to help others become Co-workers with God too! Every page teaches you about love and compassion. If you select a quote every day and contemplate it, a brighter, more exciting life awaits you and those around you. Treat yourself to this experience and share this gem with seekers, friends, and loved ones." (blurb) alle 'Hardback Giftbook' anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-246-0 146 Seiten Einband: Hardcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00113 |
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The Awakening Soul
Autor: Klemp, Harold (Hardback, 146 pages). Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE „The ninth volume in Sri Harold’s Immortality of Soul series, The Awakening Soul will help you understand where you are on your journey home to God. You’ll find that spiritual opportunities come in unexpected ways. They help you develop grace. You become more creative, giving, and grateful for the blessings of life. Contemplate Sri Harold’s masterful words, just one quote each day. You’ll tap into the God-knowledge already within you and find an abundance of wisdom you can apply to your everyday life. You’ll discover ever more about who you are and why you’re here. This magnificent hardcover gift book of inspirational quotes is easy to share with friends, family, and seekers you meet. As a Co-worker with the Mahanta, you’ll be helping them connect with divine inner guidance. Then they too can view life from a higher perspective and take their next step as the awakening Soul.“(blurb) Diesen Artikel in allen verfügbaren Sprachen anzeigen alle 'Hardback Giftbook' anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-380-1 146 Seiten Einband: Hardcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00148 |
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The Call of Soul (with CD: HU - A Love Song to God)
Autor: Klemp, Harold EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE, (booklet, 122 pages, with CD)D) "What do you seek? Whatever it is, you have your own name for it—truth, peace, love, happiness, freedom—but something inside you holds to a hope that there is an answer to life’s endless twists and turns. Somewhere there is divine sense, a purpose. You just want to know what it is. You have found The Call of Soul. You may be surprised to discover some of your innermost thoughts reflected in these pages. Come along as Harold Klemp takes you on an amazing journey into a world you may dare to dream of—the infinite world of God’s love for you. More, he tells how this love translates into every event, relationship, and moment of your life. Do you wonder: Why do bad things happen to good people? What happens after death? Is there one truth for everyone? Learn the secrets of HU, an ancient, sacred name for God, and open your heart to the answers within you. Where else would God place something so precious? In this book, you’ll discover the spiritual path of Eckankar—a companion and road map for people all over the world on their journey home to God. Spiritual exercises, dream techniques, Soul Travel explorations—all open wide the door to the most secret part of yourself. You are Soul, a Light of God. Read on—the key to spiritual freedom is in your hands!" (blurb) Diesen Artikel in allen verfügbaren Sprachen anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-309-2 122 Seiten Einband: Booklet 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00119 |
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The Dream Weaver Chronicle
Autor: Davis, James Paul Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE, (large paperback, 167 pages) "Great moments in history transcend the skein of time, soaring high over the unfolding human drama to inspire future generations. When such moments occur at the threshold of a new age, they are twice endowed and become the stuff of legends. The building of the Temple of ECK was such a moment. The Dream Weaver Chronicles explores the state of the world during the years a Temple of Golden Wisdom was being built in Chanhassen, Minnesota ..." (blurb) Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-052-7 167 Seiten Einband: Softcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00014 |
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The Drumbeat of Time (Mahanta Transcripts, Book 10) (earlier version)
Autor: Klemp, Harold Neu siehe BE00210, Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE, (large paperback, 278 pages) "You march through life to the drumbeat of time. Each beat of the drum marks a moment. Some moments bring a challenge to face, but all are a gift from God. Grow wiser and stronger as each challenge come to you. Learn to listen and to love. To hear God speak to you, guiding you each day of your life. This readable, sensible guide to living each moment fully is packed with Harold Klemp's stories, insights, and exercises to help you discover how to turn problems into opportunities for spiritual growth..." (blurb) Siehe alle verfügbaren Englischen Mahanta Transcripts Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-011-4 278 Seiten Einband: Softcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00015 |
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The ECK Dream Diary (earlier Version)
Autor: Klemp, Harold (8-by-10-inch wire-bound book, 200 pages). Earlier Version. Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE "Record your dreams in this beautiful two-hundred page spiral-bound notebook with quotes on the ECK dream teachings." (blurb) Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-157043-344-3 200 Seiten Einband: Ringbuch 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: CAE00002 |
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The Flute of God (earlier version of 2004)
Autor: Twitchell, Paul Neu siehe BE00214. Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE (large paperback, 215 pages) "Discover the secret of imagination, the divine faculty of Soul which can use to transform your life. Learn the seven fundamental spiritual laws which allow you to create your future in harmony with th universal Spirit, for the highest good of all concerned. If you want to master your destiny and become a conscious Co-worker with God, this book can show you how to do it - by listening to the guidance of Divine Spirit.Techniques to help you realize your highest goals—on all levels" (blurb) Diesen Artikel in allen verfügbaren Sprachen anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de 215 Seiten Einband: Softcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00023 |
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The Language of Soul (Hardcover)
Autor: Klemp, Harold Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE, (hardback, 162 pages) "A remedy for this modern age of complexity, 'The Language of Soul' demystifies the spiritual path by reducing it to its essential element: Soul exist because God loves It. You don't have a Soul, Harold Klemp amphazies, 'You are Soul'. Refreshing simple, 'The Language of Soul' springs from a deep undertanding of our relationship with the Eternal. Each thought is a window through which we glimpse the elemental truth of our being. Let the words wash over you, spilling into your heart." (blurb) Diesen Artikel in allen verfügbaren Sprachen anzeigen alle 'Hardback Giftbook' anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-195-1 162 Seiten Einband: Hardcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00070 |
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The Living Word (Book 1) (earlier version 1992)
Autor: Klemp, Harold Neu siehe BE00170. Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE, (large paperback, 269 pages) "Did you know that there is a divine force which can guide you through the challenges you face each day of your life? Discover what you need for spiritual survival: A special exercise to let Divine Spirit heal you - physically, emotionally, or mentally. How to open your heart, to receive and give unlimited love. A technique to get Spirit's guidance about your relationships, career, or health. How to tap what you learned in past lives, and put it to practical use today... ." (blurb) Siehe alle Teile dieser Reihe Diesen Artikel in allen verfügbaren Sprachen anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-022-0 269 Seiten Einband: Softcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00035 |
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The Living Word (Book 2) (earlier version of 1996)
Autor: Klemp, Harold Neu siehe BE00142. Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE, (large paperback, 240 pages) "It's the secret for improving your spiritual life. It's something you may be experiencing right now. It's the Light and Sound of God. The same Light seen by the apostle Paul at Damascus is still experienced today by students of the ancient teachings of Eckankar. So is the Sound, which the apostles heard as a mighty, rushing wind during Pentecost - which you may also hear as the single note of a flute, the music of woodwinds, a buzzing like bees. Learn to recognize your experiences ..." (blurb) Siehe alle Teile dieser Reihe Diesen Artikel in allen verfügbaren Sprachen anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-115-9 240 Seiten Einband: Softcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00036 |
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The Loving Heart
Autor: Klemp, Harold EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE, (hardback, 146 pages) "In The Loving Heart, Sri Harold says, “Many people do not understand that life, with its burdens, is a treasure. The weight of disappointment makes us close our eyes to the gift of being in the world to learn about the loving heart.” How can you become the loving heart? The secret is held within the pages of this beautiful seventh volume of Sri Harold’s Immortality of Soul series of gift books. Here’s a reassuring hint: Sri Harold says, “In time, divine love will take you to the top of the spiritual mountain. There, you will experience the wonders of Self- and God-Realization in the proper seasons of your life.” When you see the loving heart in Souls you meet, share with them this book of quotes on the love of life. It’s full of ways to help us face ourselves, accept change, grow spiritually, and become a model of love to all life." (blurb) alle 'Hardback Giftbook' anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-332-0 146 Seiten Einband: Hardcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00133 |
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The Perpetual Calendar of Precious Quotes
Autor: Klemp, Harold 4.3 by 5.5 inches, wire-bound. (Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE) "Each turn of the page brings a special message from Sri Harold Klemp to help you spiritualize your day." (blurb) Diesen Artikel in allen verfügbaren Sprachen anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de 365 Seiten Einband: Ringbuch 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: CAE00005 |
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The Secret Teachings (Mahanta Transcripts, Book 3) (earlier version)
Autor: Klemp, Harold Neu siehe BE00212. Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE,,(large paperback, 315 pages) "If you’re interested in the secret, yet practical knowledge of the Vairagi ECK Masters—the uses of orange or blue light for spiritual healing, how to leave your physical body and observe it, and innovative ways to meet the Mahanta in your nightly dreams— this book will fascinate and inspire you. What are the secret teachings of ECK? You’ll find them in your own personal revelations of healings, Soul Travel, and insights. It takes a candid review of dreams, contemplations, and daily lessons which touch the quiet places of your heart. The key to such insights, of course, is regular practice of the Spiritual Exercises of ECK. In this third book of the Mahanta Transcripts series are several new contemplative techniques and a broad range of spiritual tools. Several chapters touch on working with the Light of God to find answers or healing. Others help address such challenges as problems from past incarnations. The human tendency to block the help of Divine Spirit. The need to protect ourselves from black magic, guilt, fear of death, and other threats to Soul’s freedom. Your understanding of the secret teachings of Eckankar will grow with a careful reading of this book. Their purpose is to help you welcome ECK (Holy Spirit) into every part of your being." (blurb) Siehe alle verfügbaren Englischen Mahanta Transcripts Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-005-3 315 Seiten Einband: Softcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00042 |
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The Seeker
Autor: Morimitsu, Phil (large paperback, 174 pages). Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE "The dying Tibetan master slips three coins into his student's palm, urging him to find another teacher. No longer the innocent, he is now Lobnear-Wa, the seeker. So his journey begins. His travels take him from the secluded monastery into the harsh world of seventeenth-century Tibet. Along the way the seeker discovers holy Temple of Golden Wisdom that lie between heaven and earth. Once in them, he faces tests of the heart as challenging as any he mastered along the rocky path. An exciting novel based on the author's past life as a monk in seventeenth-century Tibet when he first became aware of the Light and Sound of God." (blurb) Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-061-9 174 Seiten Einband: Softcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00043 |
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The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad (Book 1) (earlier version)
Autor: Twitchell, Paul (large paperback, 255 pages). Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE "'The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad' means 'Way of the Eternal'. These writings are the scriptures of Eckankar, Religion of the Light and Sound of God. Though they're possibly the oldest teachings known on earth, they speak to you directly - today. They come alive in your heart. Through 'The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad' you will discover an answer to every human question ever yet, or to be, devised. Its pages tell what life really consists of and how to live it." (blurb) Siehe alle Teile dieser Reihe Diesen Artikel in allen verfügbaren Sprachen anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-048-0 255 Seiten Einband: Softcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00044 |
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The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad (Book 2) (earlier version)
Autor: Twitchell, Paul (large paperback, 269 pages). Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE "The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad means "Way of the Eternal." These writings are the scriptures of Eckankar, Religion of the Light and Sound of God. Though they're possibly the oldest teachings known on earth, they speak to you directly--today. They come alive in your heart. Through The Shartyat-Ki-Sugmad you will discover an answer to every human question ever yet, or to be, devised. Its pages tell what life really consists of and how to live it. The essence of God-knowledge is laid down here and offered to you. Book Two is the second section of these sacred writings.." (blurb) Siehe alle Teile dieser Reihe Diesen Artikel in allen verfügbaren Sprachen anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-049-7 269 Seiten Einband: Softcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00045 |
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The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad, Book One
Autor: Klemp, Harold Audiobook with 12 CDs. Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE "The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad means "Way of the Eternal." These writings are the scriptures of Eckankar, Religion of the Light and Sound of God. Though they're possibly the oldest teachings known on earth, they speak to you directly - today. They come alive in your heart. Through The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad you will discover an answer to every human question ever yet, or to be, devised. Its pages tell what life really consists of and how to live it. Eckankar is ancient wisdom for today. Its teachings, which resurfaced in 1965, emphasize the value of personal experiences as the most natural way of God. Whatever your religious background, they show how to look and listen within yourself - to expand your consciousness and enjoy spiritual connectedness. See for yourself - perhaps for the first time - how to lead a happy, balanced, and productive life. And put daily concerns into loving perspective." (blurb) Siehe alle Teile dieser Reihe Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-215-6 20.00 EUR 20.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: CDE00097 |
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The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad, Book Two (audiobook,12 CDs)
Autor: Klemp, Harold Audiobook with 12 CDs. Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE "The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad means -Way of the Eternal. These writings are the scriptures of Eckankar, Religion of the Light and Sound of God. Though they're possibly the oldest teachings known on earth, they speak to you directly—today. They come alive in your heart. Through The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad you will discover an answer to every human question ever yet, or to be, devised. Its pages tell what life really consists of and how to live it.The essence of God-knowledge is laid down here and offered to you now as an audiobook on CD."(blurb) Siehe alle Teile dieser Reihe Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-420-4 20.00 EUR 20.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: CDE00146 |
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The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad, Books One & Two (leatherbound, old edition)
Autor: Twitchell, Paul Neu siehe BE00222,(527 pages). Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE "The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad means "Way of the Eternal." These writings are the scriptures of Eckankar, Religion of the Light and Sound of God. Though they're possibly the oldest teachings known on earth, they speak to you directly today. They come alive in your heart. Through The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad you will discover an answer to every human question ever yet, or to be, devised. Its pages tell what life really consists of and how to live it. The essence of God-knowledge is laid down here and offered to you. The special one-volume edition with a combined index is bound in soft, blue leather - the pages are gilt-edged and carefully stitched."(blurb) Siehe alle Teile dieser Reihe Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-164-7 527 Seiten Einband: Leder 25.00 EUR 25.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00084 |
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The Sound of Soul - Your Guide to the Worlds of HU
Autor: Klemp, Harold Worldwide Seminar 2017, (paperback, pages 89) . Verbilligte Exemplare:, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE, Knicke links mittig "Love is love. And you are that. HU is the Sound of Soul. -Sri Harold Klemp- Sacred Sound, ancient mantra. HU is a universal love song to God. It works for all. Have you ever reached out to the universe for love and answers? Need help dealing with stress or fear? HU offers balance, wisdom, and wonder. It brings alignment with your true purpose and highest good. This potent volume of contemplation seeds and spiritual exercises can get you started on the journey of a lifetime - your return to the heart of God. Life is a spiritual experience! Sing HU every day. It will attune you to the wonders of God's unconditional love for Soul - for you. You will never be the same." (blurb) Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de Einband: Softcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00189X |
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The Spiritual Life
Autor: Klemp, Harold (hardback, 146 pages). Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE "“The teachings of ECK,” says Sri Harold, “are about us being willing to change our state of consciousness to something better.” The Spiritual Life, Sri Harold’s eighth book in the Immortality of Soul series, gives clear guidance on how to do this every day. The Spiritual Exercises of ECK are key. As the Master puts it, “The spiritual exercises build up spiritual momentum for Soul to realize the godlike being that It is.” If you contemplate just one quote from this book each day, you’ll find your spiritual life growing ever richer. Sri Harold’s words will enliven your perspectives on Soul’s awakening, past lives, relationships, change and growth, creativity, setting spiritual goals, and more. The special spiritual pulse in this book speaks directly to Soul, whether you’re new to the ECK teachings or a longtime ECKist. Give this beautiful hardcover book to yourself as a divine treat, and consider additional copies for seekers who would be interested in lear-ning the secrets of living a spiritual life. " (blurb) alle 'Hardback Giftbook' anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-359-7 146 Seiten Einband: Hardcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00135 |
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The Spiritual Notebook (earlier version of 1990)
Autor: Twitchell, Paul Second Edition. Neu siehe: BE00184. EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE, (large paperback, 245 pages) "Learn about the universal thread that UNITES every world culture and religion - and how it can change YOUR life.- A giant step forward in spiritual literature - the best way to describe this fascinating book. Now learn what saints and mystics knew all along about God and the Divine Force - the inspiration for all myths and religions. Paul Twitchell, world-renowed spiritual teacher shows you how to widen your own spiritual vision and find the God Force." (blurb) Diesen Artikel in allen verfügbaren Sprachen anzeigen Siehe auch ... (hier klicken) Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de 245 Seiten Einband: Softcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00050 |
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The Wind of Change (earlier version of 1987)
Autor: Klemp, Harold Neu siehe BE00132. Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE, (large paperback, 229 pages) "A shy farm boy from Wisconsin, Harold Klemp studid for the ministry for eight years. But the religious experiences he wasn't having and the spiritual experiences he WAS having led him to higher spiritual truths and the New-Age Religion known as ECKANKAR. Sri Harold Klemp's first book is a lighthearted story of his adventures as he learns the secrets of letting divine miracles enter his life. It illustrates how a line of mysterious Adepts, the ECK Masters, helped him find the source of wisdom ..." (blurb) Diesen Artikel in allen verfügbaren Sprachen anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-025-1 229 Seiten Einband: Softcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00064 |
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Touching the Face of God
Autor: Klemp, Harold (hardback, 146 pages). Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE "Within each page of this masterful work you will discover secrets of life, love, and God. You'll find that direct communication with God comes through personal experience, the key to the secret teachings of divine love. You will learn how to recognize the divine in every moment in your life. For openers, try the following: Choose one of the contemplative techniques inside, and listen for the Voice of God, maintain harmony and balance, practice the Law of Economy, and always watch for the greater truth. The secret to getting the most from life and touching the face of God are one and the same. Each needs to be experienced firsthand. Look within to unlock the love in your heart." (blurb) alle 'Hardback Giftbook' anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-231-6 146 Seiten Einband: Hardcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00102 |
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Truth has no Secrets
Autor: Klemp, Harold (hardback, 122 pages). Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE "Within the pages of this magical book you will discover the keys to resolving the mysteries of today so they will no longer be mysteries tomorrow. You'll find, that truth is elegant in ist simplicity and so is living a life of greater happiness. You will learn many simple yet powerful keys to a fulfilling life of greater love and happiness. For starters: Put love first in your life. You always have the right of choice. Recognize and accept God's help. Always watch for your next step - and, every minute counts. The secret of truth and happiness cannot be talked about. They need to be experienced. Look inside to unlock their wisdom in your heart." (blurb) alle 'Hardback Giftbook' anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-218-7 122 Seiten Einband: Hardcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00094 |
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Views from the Temple of ECK Trails: Screen Saver
CD,Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE "This screen saver displays fifteen full-color images seen you walk the contemplation trails at the Temple of ECK in Chanhassen, Minnesota. These sacred trails are for the spiritual upliftment of visitors to the Temple of ECK. With each image is a quote by Sri Harold Klemp, the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master or Paul Twitchell. As you view these images, contemplate on the Temple of ECK and recall the peace and serenity you may have experienced while there." (blurb) Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: CDE00004 |
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Welcome to the Wonderful World of ECK! Your Membership Guidebook
Autor: Klemp, Harold Neu siehe BE00221, (large paperback, 96 pages). Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE "This delightful guidebook highlights the many joys and benefits of ECK membership. As a member of ECKANKAR, you begin your journey into the deepest worlds of God’s love for Soul. This special guidebook is a personal welcome from the Master to all new ECK members and is part of their new-member mailing. Do you have questions about how the Mahanta helps you resolve your karma or how to get the most from your monthly discourses? Or maybe you have questions about your dreams, the ECK initiations, or the worldwide spiritual community of ECKists? This easy-to-use guide shares the Master’s answers to questions posed by newer ECKists and offers valuable tips to help you in your journey of spiritual discove-ry. Longtime ECKist? You will find this guidebook a happy reminder of the special privileges of being a chela of the Mahanta and a member of ECKANKAR. There is priceless information and upliftment for eve-ryone on the path home to God. Special note to Arahatas (a qualified teacher of ECK classes): This guidebook is a vital aid to all Arahatas with newer ECK members in their Satsang classes."(blurb) Diesen Artikel in allen verfügbaren Sprachen anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-238-5 96 Seiten Einband: Softcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00106 |
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Wer sind Sie? Warum sind Sie hier?
Autor: Anderson, Linda C. 2001 (Paperback, großes Format, 532 Seiten). Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE 35 goldene Schlüssel zu diesen Fragen "Wer bin ich? Warum bin ich hier? Diese Fragen stellen wir uns immerzu. Die Antworten bestimmen den Sinn unseres Lebens und oft sogar unser Überleben. Hier können Sie - zum ersten Male überhaupt - fünfunddreissig goldene Schlüssel finden, um die Antworten auf diese Fragen selbst zu erschliessen. Untersuchen Sie die grundlegende Weisheit von Eckankar. Von uralten Wurzeln stammend kam es im Jahre 1965 wieder an die Öffentlichkeit, um die spirituellen Fragen und Herausforderungen der heutigen Zeit zu beantworten. Es ist ein lebendiger Weg, der Möglichkeiten bietet, tieferen Sinn, grössere Liebe und dauerhafteren Frieden in Ihrem Leben zu finden. Menschen aus der ganzen Welt tragen ihre dramatischen Geschichten von erweiterter spiritueller Bewusstheit und Veränderungen ihres Lebens bei. Jedes Kapitel enthält spirituelle Übungen und Techniken, die Ihnen helfen sollen, sich selbst – und Gott – besser zu verstehen. Wie nur wenige andere Bücher bringt dieses Sie weit über das hinaus, was Sie bereits von Gott wissen. Doch faszinierenderweise bringt es Sie auch näher an das, was Sie schon immer als wahr empfunden haben." (Klappentext) Diesen Artikel in allen verfügbaren Sprachen anzeigen Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-156-2 532 Seiten Einband: Softcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BD00019 |
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What is Spiritual Freedom (Mahanta Transcripts, Book 11) (earlier version of 1995)
Autor: Klemp, Harold Neu siehe BE00167. Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE, (large paperback, 201 pages) "You can make your heaven here and now. The more you understand this, the greater your spiritual freedom. Imagine you're locked in a tiny, dark room. Feeling sad and alone, you lie down on the floor. Then you have a dream. In the dream you're visiting with a friendly stranger. He explains you've made this room of problems for yourself. You shut and locked the door when you started pushing against these problems. The door can be unlocked and opened from the inside - if you know the secret." (blurb) Siehe alle verfügbaren Englischen Mahanta Transcripts Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de ISBN: 978-1-57043-101-2 201 Seiten Einband: Softcover 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu) Artikelnr.: BE00063 |
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