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Für Informationen zu Rabatten für Buchhändler setzen Sie sich bitte mit uns in Verbindung:

Liebe Dich selbst - und es ist egal, wen Du heiratest
Autor: Zurhorst, Eva-Maria

"Die meisten Scheidungen sind überflüssig! Mit dieser provokanten aber auch Mut machenden These wurde dieses Buch in kürzester Zeit zu dem Beziehungs-Bestseller in Deutschland. Eva-Maria Zurhorst, die aus ihrer Erfahrung als Beziehungscoach reichlich Einblick hat in den Rosenkrieg vieler Paare, räumt gründlich auf mit der Erwartung, beim nächsten Partner werde alles anders. Partnerschaft ist für sie ein ebenso anspruchsvoller wie lohnender Entwicklungsweg. Eine tiefe Beziehung ist auch dort möglich, wo Hoffnung vielleicht schon aufgegeben wurde. Ein flammendes Plädoyer für das Abenteuer Partnerschaft und eine Liebeserklärung an die Ehe." (Klappentext)

ISBN: 978-3-442-33722-4
387 Seiten  Einband: Softcover
13.90 EUR  13.90 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: HYU00282
Druckversion Druckversion

Liebe Dich selbst und freu Dich auf die nächste Krise
Autor: Zurhorst, Eva-Maria

"In diesem Buch zeigt Eva-Maria Zurhorst, zusammen mit ihrem Mann Wolfram, die nächsten Schritte aus der Beziehungskrise hinein in das Abenteuer Ehe-Alltag. Auf eine offene, persönliche und berührende Art gibt dieses Buch bisweilen unbequeme, jedoch wirkungsvolle Antworten und hilft, die scheinbar schwierigen Zeiten einer Partnerschaft als kraftvolle und heilsame Chance für Wachstum zu nutzen. Die beiden Autoren zeigen u.a., wie wichtig Phasen des Alleiinseins für Singles und Paare sind und welche ungeahnten Möglichkeiten dabei entstehen, sich für Verbindung und Nähe zu öffnen." (Klappentext)

ISBN: 978-3-442-33754-5
377 Seiten  Einband: Softcover
13.90 EUR  13.90 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: HYU00283
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Life Is a Chancy Thing
Autor: Klemp, Harold

DVD New Release in 2016 ( 2015 ECK Worldwide Seminar, Minneapolis, Minnesota)

"This ECKANKAR DVD features Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar, speaking at the 2015 ECK Worldwide Seminar in Minneapolis, Minnesota.He is the author of Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel, along with more than one hundred other published works about Soul’s journey home to God. Known as a pioneer of „everyday spirituality,“ he is helping many thousends discover the way of bringing the enlightenment of Soul into everyday life and practice." (blurb)

Sri Harold sets hearts aglow with joy and encouragement at this historic 50th anniversary celebration of the modern-day ECK teachings. His talk weaves together ECK history, cowboy wisdom, and profound sto-ries of divine providence.Do you ever find yourself in curious, confusing, or even alarming circumstances that defy easy resolution? Indeed, life is a chancy thing! The Master’s stories will expand your vision and shed new light on the powerful, loving reach of ECK into daily events.You will delight in these timeless words, insights, and prophecies from the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. In this chancy world, they are something on which you can always depend.

Track Titles:
  1. Our 50th Anniversary!
  2. An Early ECK Pioneer
  3. Fifty Yeras from Now
  4. Horses, Cowboys, and Soul
  5. Rhona's Mahanta-HU Song
  6. "Where Is the ECK?"
  7. Cash-Machine Wisdom
  8. Steven's Strang Protection
  9. The Savvy of Abraham Lincoln
  10. David's Ten HU Cards
  11. Self-Sufficiency and Godhood
  12. Science and the Eckankar Journal

24.00 EUR  24.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: DVDE00120
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Life Is a Chancy Thing - Talk from 2015 ECK Worldwide Seminar
Autor: Klemp. Harold

CD New Release in Spring 2016 (2015 ECK Worldwide Seminar, Minneapolis, Minnesota)

"This Eckankar CD features Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar, speaking at the 2015 ECK Worldwide Seminar in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
He is the author of Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel, along with more than one hundred other published works about Soul’s journey home to God. Known as a pioneer of „everyday spirituality,“ he is helping many thousends discover the way of bringing the enlightenment of Soul into everyday life and practice." (blurb)

Sri Harold sets hearts aglow with joy and encouragement at this historic 50th anniversary celebration of the modern-day ECK teachings. His talk weaves together ECK history, cowboy wisdom, and profound sto-ries of divine providence.Do you ever find yourself in curious, confusing, or even alarming circumstances that defy easy resolution? Indeed, life is a chancy thing! The Master’s stories will expand your vision and shed new light on the powerful, loving reach of ECK into daily events.You will delight in these timeless words, insights, and prophecies from the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. In this chancy world, they are something on which you can always depend.

Track Titles:
  1. Our 50th Anniversary!
  2. An Early ECK Pioneer
  3. Fifty Years from Now
  4. Horses, Cowboys, and Soul
  5. Rhona's Mahanta-HU Song
  6. "Where Is the ECK?"
  7. Cash-Machine Wisdom
  8. Steven's Strange Protection
  9. The Svvy of Abraham Lincoln
  10. David's Ten HU Cards
  11. Self-Sufficiency and Godhood
  12. Science and the Eckankar Journal

19.00 EUR  19.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: CDE00168
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Light and Sound Workshop
Autor: Klemp, Harold

CD Re-Release in 2021 (1983 European Seminar, The Hague, Netherlands)

"This Eckankar CD features Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar, speaking at the 1983 European Seminar in The Hague, Netherlands.
He is the author of Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel, along with more than one hundred other published works about Soul’s journey home to God. Known as a pioneer of „everyday spirituality,“ he is helping many thousends discover the way of bringing the enlightenment of Soul into everyday life and practice." (blurb)

Track Titles:
  1. Three Basic Essentials
  2. Giving the Blessings of SUGMAD
  3. In the Hands of ECK
  4. Manifestations of Sound
  5. A Happy Marriage with Spirit
  6. Imagination-Power versus Love
  7. "I Am That"
  8. The Test of Reality
  9. Inventing Your Own Spiritual Exercise

19.00 EUR  19.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: CDE00294
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Light-and-Sound Art Plaque - Dreams

171 x 171 x 13 mm

19.00 EUR  19.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: SIE00010
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Light-and-Sound Art Plaque - Soul Travel

171 x 171 x 13 mm

19.00 EUR  19.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: SIE00011
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Like a Four-Leaf Clover
Autor: Klemp, Harold

DVD (1996 ECK Worldwide Seminar, Minneapolis, Minnesota)

"This ECKANKAR DVD features Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar, speaking at the 1996 ECK Worldwide Seminar in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is the author of Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel, along with more than one hundred other published works about Soul’s journey home to God. Known as a pioneer of „everyday spirituality,“ he is helping many thousends discover the way of bringing the enlightenment of Soul into everyday life and practice. Discover how finding the ECK teachings is a blessing we've earned and must never take for granted. Your sacred connection with God can protect you." (blurb)

Sri Harold elaborates on the theme of consecration. Try to remember that there is a sacred connection between you and God and that this connection makes the ground upon which you walk holy. And so when you're on holy ground, you are in the presence of God.A story of a young girl illustrates how finding the ECK teachings is like finding a four-leaf clover. It's a blessing, but it's one we've earned over lifetimes, and we must never take it for granted.

Track Titles:
  1. A Year of Consecration
  2. Teaching and the Group Entity
  3. Yoda's Driver - Lucky to Be in ECK!
  4. Reading for Recreation
  5. Andrew and the Temple Tour
  6. The Ant and the Feather
  7. Misha, Bani, and Kittens of Love
  8. Kristy and a New ECKist Tune In
  9. Jim and the Four-Leaf Clover
  10. Blessing of the Vairagi

24.00 EUR  24.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: DVDE00008
Druckversion Druckversion

Like a Four-Leaf Clover
Autor: Klemp, Harold

CD Re- Release in 2015 (1996 ECK Worldwide Seminar, Minneapolis, Minnesota)

"This Eckankar CD features Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar, speaking at the 1996 ECK Worldwide Seminar in Minneapolis, Minnesota..
He is the author of Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel, along with more than one hundred other published works about Soul’s journey home to God. Known as a pioneer of „everyday spirituality,“ he is helping many thousends discover the way of bringing the enlightenment of Soul into everyday life and practice." (blurb)

Sri Harold elaborates on the theme of consecration. Try to remember that there is a sacred connection between you and God and that this connection makes the ground upon which you walk holy. And so when you're on holy ground, you are in the presence of God.A story of a young girl illustrates how finding the ECK teachings is like finding a four-leaf clover. It's a blessing, but it's one we've earned over lifetimes, and we must never take it for granted.

Track Titles:
  1. A Year of Consecration
  2. Teaching and the Group Entity
  3. Yoda's Driver
  4. Reading for Recreation
  5. Andrew and the Temple Tour
  6. The Ant and the Feather
  7. Misha, Bani, and Kittens of Love
  8. Kristy and a New ECKist Tune In
  9. Jim and the Four-Leaf Clover
  10. Blessing of the Vairagi

19.00 EUR  19.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: CDE00157
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Little's Journey Home: An ECK Story to Color
Autor: Chung, Cheng Yew

(8.5-by-11-inch booklet, 33 pages)

"Follow Little, a young boy, as he meets and travels with his peacock friend, Crystal, to the inner worlds of God.
Simple outlines in a bright cover ask to be colored. This storybook will inspire many afternoons of enjoyable coloring and ECK learning."(blurb)

ISBN: 978-1-57043-100-5
33 Seiten  Einband: Softcover
9.00 EUR  9.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: YE00025
Druckversion Druckversion

Artikel 691 bis 700 von 1274 Artikeln

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