Principles of the Creative Process
Autor: Twitchell, Paul CD Re-Release in 2016 (1970 ECKANKAR International Youth Conference, Chicago, Illinois) "Paul Twitchell, the modern-day founder of Eckankar, was the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master of this times. This talk was recorded at the 1970 ECKANKAR International Youth Conference in Chicago, Illinois.Have you ever wondered how to put more creativity into your life?Paul Twitchell shows us how to take advantage of every passing thought and “coincidence” in daily life, to keep each moment fresh and be flexible.." (blurb) 19.00 EUR 19.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: CDE00184
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Proof of Heaven - A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife
Autor: Eben Alexander, Dr. "Thousands of people have had near-death experiences, but scientists have argued that they are impossible. Dr. Eben Alexander was one of those scientists. A highly trained neurosurgeon, Alexander knew that NDEs feel real, but are simply fantastic produced by brains under extreme stress. Then, Dr. Alexander's own brain was attacked by a rare illness. The part of the brain that controls thought and emotion - and in essence makes us human - shut down completely. For seven days he lay in a coma. Then, as his doctors considered stopping treatment, Alexander's eyes popped open. He had come back. Alexander's recovery is a medical miracle. But the real miracle of his story lies elsewhere. While his body lay in coma, Alexander journed beyond this world and encountered an angelic being who guided him into the depest realms of super-physical existence. There he met, and spoke with the Divine source of the universe itself. Alexander's story is not a fantasy. Before he underwent his journey, he could not reconcile his knowledge of neuroscience with any belief in heaven, God, or the soul. Today Alexander is a doctor who believes that true health can be achieved only when we realize that God and the soul are real and that death is not the end of personal existence but only a transition. ISBN: 978-1-4516-9519-9 196 Seiten Einband: Softcover 19.10 EUR 19.10 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: HYU00531
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Protection of the Master
Autor: Klemp, Harold CD Re-Release in 2021 (1987 ECK Creative Art Festval, Chicago, Illinoi) "This Eckankar CD features Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar, speaking at the 1987 ECK Creative Art Festval in Chicago, Illinois. He is the author of Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel, along with more than one hundred other published works about Soul’s journey home to God. Known as a pioneer of „everyday spirituality,“ he is helping many thousends discover the way of bringing the enlightenment of Soul into everyday life and practice." (blurb) Track Titles:
19.00 EUR 19.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: CDE00296
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Quantum Consciousness Transformation QCT2 - Unser volles Potenzial leben mit Quantenheilung durch Bewusstseinstransformation
Autor: Blake, Andrew "Wie können wir unser volles menschliches Potenzial mit Freude entfalten und unsere Lebensbestimmung kreativ und kraftvoll leben? Quantum Consciousness Transformation - Quantenheilung durch Bewusstseinstransformation - weist uns den Weg. Es ist zudem eine ideale Unterstützung bei allen körperlichen und psychischen Herausforderungen, denn QCT bringt blockierte Energien in Fluss und weckt unsere Lebensfreude. Mit 'QCT 2' setzt Andrew Blake seine erfolgreiche Reise in ein glückliches und erfülltes Leben fort. Kernstück dieser Transformationsarbeit ist die Zwei-Punkt-Methode, eine uralte Methode der Selbstheilung. Der Autor hat diese Technik im Hinblick auf die erfolgreiche Umsetzbarkeit im Alltag weiterentwickelt, sodass wir nun lernen, sie ohne Einsaatz der Hände anzuwenden. Auf diese Weise können wir sie jederzeit und überall unauffällig nutzen. 'QCT 2' vermittelt ausserdem eine wesentliche Vertiefung in der Lösung von emotionalen Verstrickungen durch die Kombination von Zwei-Punkt-Methode und Aufstellungsarbeit und stellt uns ein professionelles Projektplanungskonzept vor, das jeden dabei unterstützt, seine Träume und Visionen Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen." (Klappentext) ISBN: 978-3-86264-183-3 198 Seiten Einband: Hardcover 24.50 EUR 24.50 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: HYU00497
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Quantum Healing - Exploring the Frontiers of Mind- Body Medicine
Autor: Chopra, Deepak Audiobook: 1 Audio-Cassette "Dr. Deepak Chopra, an esteemed endocrinologist and author of 'Creating Health' and 'Return of the Rishis', presents his extraordinary new approach to self-healing. Quantum Healing is filled with the mystery, wonder, and hope of men and women who have experienced 'miraculous' recoveries from cancer and other serious illnesses." (blurb) ISBN: 978-0553-451-65-8 16.50 EUR 16.50 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: HYU00325
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Quantum Healing - Exploring the Frontiers of Mind-Body-Medicine
Autor: Chopra, Deepak CD "Dr. Deepak Chopra, a respected New England endocrinologist, began his search for answers, when he saw patients in his own practice who completely recovered after being given only a few months to live. He has brought together the current research of Western medicine, neuroscience and physics with the insights of Ayurvedic theory to show that the human body is ontrolled by a 'network of intelligence' grounded in quantum reality. Not a superficial psychological state, this intelligence lies deep enough to change the basic patterns that design our physiology - with the potential to defeat cancer, heart disease, and even aging itself. In this inspiring and pioneering work Dr. Chopra offers us both a fascinating intellectual journey and a deeply moving chronicle of hope and healing." (blurb) ISBN: 978-0-7393-4396-8 18.40 EUR 18.40 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: HYU00326
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Questions and Answers
Autor: Klemp, Harold CD (1982 ECKANKAR European Seminar, Amsterdam, Netherlands) "This Eckankar CD features Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar, speaking at the 1982 ECKANKAR European Seminar in Amsterdam, Netherlands. He is the author of Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel, along with more than seventy-five other published works about Soul’s journey home to God. Known as a pioneer of „everyday spirituality,“ he is helping many thousends discover the way of bringing the enlightenment of Soul into everyday life and practice." (blurb) Hear the Master's answers to tough questions from ECKists on the role of sex, the negative effects of drugs on spirituality, the meaning of the ECK initiations, and how to make Soul Travel a reality. Track Titles:
19.00 EUR 19.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: CDE00075
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Rami Nuri (Color Drawing - neu)
127x178mm 7.00 EUR 7.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: DRC00018
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Rami Nuri (Sepia-toned Drawing)
203x254mm 5.00 EUR 5.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: DRC00032
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Rebazar and Paul (457mm x 610mm)
Art Poster (Released at the 2018 ECK Springtime Seminar) "In every age, the Living ECK Master guides each ECK chela to spiritual heights. In this historic portrayal by renowned artist Diana Stanley, the immortal Rebazar Tarzs reveals the worlds of God to his chela, Peddar Zaskq.Sri Harold Klemp has released this painting from the ECK archives so that you too may gain greater awareness of the majestic view from the spiritual summit!"(blurb) 19.00 EUR 19.00 CHF (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: PO00015
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