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A Mission Renewed
Autor: Klemp, Harold

DVD (2012 ECK Worldwide Seminar, Minneapolis, Minnesota)

"This ECKANKAR DVD features Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar, speaking at the 2012 ECK Worldwide Seminar in Minneapolis, Minnesota.He is the author of Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel, along with more than one hundred other published works about Soul’s journey home to God. Known as a pioneer of „everyday spirituality,“ he is helping many thousends discover the way of bringing the enlightenment of Soul into everyday life and practice." (blurb)

A message of transformation from the Master—Sri Harold’s talk at the 2012 ECK Springtime Seminar, "A Mission Renewed."“Every time the ECK has wanted me to move along into another arena, it’s to reach new people or to change my mission,” says Sri Harold. “So it’s a mission renewed.”Speaking onstage from a wheelchair, the Master relates how life sometimes throws us a curveball. His curveball was a patch of innocent-looking black ice that landed him with a broken hip. “You can sit and complain about it,” he says. “You can do whatever you want, but it doesn’t change one thing. You may change, and a lot of spiritual growth can occur in the meantime.”Sri Harold shares his story scene by scene, eliciting laughter and com-passion. All the while, he offers new gems of spiritual wisdom on how to see the gifts of ECK in every ex-perience and meet life’s challenges with humor and gratitude.Harji tells how when he first started his mission in 1981, he had a choice of whether to see the future or not. He chose not to because “if it’s your destiny, you can’t outrun it, you can’t outwit it, outfox it—nothing. You’d just rather take it.” His schedule was on the fast track for the next ten years. Then the ECK turned the page on him in 1991, when he had a car accident, the ECK having decided it was time to slow him down. Now the Master finds his mission renewed once again.If the Master’s mission is renewed, what about yours? You’ll find more clues about this new era in ECK, along with a wealth of wisdom, when you listen with your heart to this historic talk.

Track Titles:
  1. Life’s Curveball
  2. A Slip on the Ice
  3. Restriction against Pain
  4. Journey to Surgery
  5. 1981—On the Fast Track
  6. Minimasters
  7. The ECK Turns the Page
  8. Joan on the Scene
  9. Little Victories
  10. Making Friends in Recovery
  11. A Lucky Man
  12. Jean Tells Everyone about HU and ECK

24.00 EUR  24.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: DVDE00079
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A Mission Renewed
Autor: Klemp, Harold

CD (2012 ECK Springtime Seminar, Minneapolis, Minnesota)

"This Eckankar CD features Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar, speaking at the 2012 ECK Springtime Seminar in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
He is the author of Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel, along with more than seventy-five other published works about Soul’s journey home to God. Known as a pioneer of „everyday spirituality,“ he is helping many thousends discover the way of bringing the enlightenment of Soul into everyday life and practice." (blurb)

A message of transformation from the Master—Sri Harold’s talk at the 2012 ECK Springtime Seminar, "A Mission Renewed."“Every time the ECK has wanted me to move along into another arena, it’s to reach new people or to change my mission,” says Sri Harold. “So it’s a mission renewed.”Speaking onstage from a wheelchair, the Master relates how life sometimes throws us a curveball. His curveball was a patch of innocent-looking black ice that landed him with a broken hip. “You can sit and complain about it,” he says. “You can do whatever you want, but it doesn’t change one thing. You may change, and a lot of spiritual growth can occur in the meantime.”Sri Harold shares his story scene by scene, eliciting laughter and com-passion. All the while, he offers new gems of spiritual wisdom on how to see the gifts of ECK in every ex-perience and meet life’s challenges with humor and gratitude.Harji tells how when he first started his mission in 1981, he had a choice of whether to see the future or not. He chose not to because “if it’s your destiny, you can’t outrun it, you can’t outwit it, outfox it—nothing. You’d just rather take it.” His schedule was on the fast track for the next ten years. Then the ECK turned the page on him in 1991, when he had a car accident, the ECK having decided it was time to slow him down. Now the Master finds his mission renewed once again.If the Master’s mission is renewed, what about yours? You’ll find more clues about this new era in ECK, along with a wealth of wisdom, when you listen with your heart to this historic talk.

Track Titles:
  1. Life's Curveball
  2. A Slip on the Ice
  3. Restriction against Pain
  4. Journey to Surgeryn
  5. 1981-On the Fast Track
  6. Minimasters
  7. The ECK Turns the Page
  8. Juan on the Scene
  9. Little Victories
  10. Making Friends in Recovery
  11. A Licky Man
  12. Jean Tells Everyone about HU and ECK

19.00 EUR  19.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: CDE00078
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A Modern Prophet Answers Your Key Questions about Life (Book 3)
Autor: Klemp, Harold

Released at the Springtime Seminar in 2021, (large paperback, 191 pages)

Help at the Crossroads

There are times in our lives when we're faced with insurmountable challenges. We stand at a crossroads, where our choice of which road to take decides not only the course of our future, but our very survival.
In ages past, mankind could turn to a prophet whose wisdom was captured in scripture. Today, the words of those prophets may not hold the answers your're looking for. It is fortunate, then, that we have in our midst a modern prophet we can con-nect with directly for help in finding answers that work for us today.
Sri Harold Klemp has answered hundreds of heartfelt questions from people looking for spiritual guidance on relationships, parenting, fear and worry, health, untangling karma, and much more.
These questiions and the wisdom contained in the answers this modern-day prophet can help at your crossroads too!" (blurb)

ISBN: 978-1-57043-506-5
191 Seiten  Einband: Softcover
20.00 EUR  20.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: BE00207
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A Modern Prophet Answers Your Key Questions about Life, Book 1
Autor: Klemp, Harold

(large paperback, 278 pages)

"Your life is your personal pathway back to God.
The spiritual leader of Eckankar gets thousands of letters from seekers of truth around the world. All want direct and useful answers about how to travel the road to God.
This book is a special updated compilation of two of his books, Ask the Master, Books 1 and 2. It answers the questions about life most frequently asked by spiritual seekers.
In it are over two hundred questions and answers to help you.
The topics are many. Among them are the value to you of spiritual exercises, self-discipline, and planning versus surrender. How to avoid making karma. Where past lives, dreams, and Soul Travel fit in. The roles of divine love and human love, what our children and pets may teach us, how spiritual healing really works, how to love God, and more. The book is a valuable guide to help you find a life of joy, service, and contentment.
Ponder upon these topics. You will benefit at every stage of your journey home to God. Now, get set to read and learn more about you.See the complete Table of Contents." (blurb)

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ISBN: 978-1-57043-143-2
278 Seiten  Einband: Softcover
20.00 EUR  20.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: BE00001
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A Modern Prophet Answers Your Key Questions about Life, Book 2
Autor: Klemp, Harold

Springtime Seminar 2011, (large paperback, 286 pages)

"Here's your invitation to look over the Master’s shoulder as he responds to heartfelt questions posed over the past twelve years by truth seekers from around the world. A Modern Prophet Answers Your Key Questions about Life, Book 2, holds some three hundred of Sri Harold Klemp’s illuminating answers, awaiting your discovery and contemplation.
Answers to questions like:
  • How do I deal with the chaos in this world?
  • How can I build self-esteem?
  • What are keys to God-Realization?
  • What is the deeper meaning of HU Chants?
  • Does diet affect my spiritual growth?
  • Can I protect myself in dreams?
Each page brings fresh concepts and inner revelations as you reach for self-mastery and beyond. Practical advice mingles with the soaring inner wisdom that flows freely from the Master's pen.
Open your heart and listen as you page through twelve chapters of new opportunities in problem solving and spiritual advancement. More love, wisdom, and spiritual self-confidence are your reward!" (blurb)

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ISBN: 978-1-57043-307-8
286 Seiten  Einband: Softcover
20.00 EUR  20.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: BE00128
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A New Face on Old Truths
Autor: Klemp, Harold

CD Re-Release in Spring 2017 (1997 ECK European Seminar, Lausanne, Switzerland)

"This Eckankar CD features Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar, speaking at the 1997 ECK European Seminar, Lausanne, Switzerland.
He is the author of Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel, along with more than one hundred other published works about Soul’s journey home to God. Known as a pioneer of „everyday spirituality,“ he is helping many thousends discover the way of bringing the enlightenment of Soul into everyday life and practice." (blurb)

Why is the MAHANTA here?The MAHANTA’s role is to put a face to the faceless, to the timeless, to the boundless.When we seek spiritual truth, it is the MAHANTA’s love we find. The MAHANTA is the one who connects people with the Light and Sound of God. He puts a new face on old truths.In this talk, the Master sheds new light on six old truths. And offers a spiritual exercise to help you spiritually realize important goals in your life.

Track Titles:
  1. Welcome to the 1997 ECK European Seminar
  2. A Seeker Visits Heaven
  3. Learn to Listen, Listen to Learn
  4. Love Answers a Call for Help
  5. A Patient’s Prayers for Wisdom
  6. To Listen Is to Love
  7. Financial Setbacks and the Law of Love
  8. The 15X Spiritual Exercise
  9. Telling Others Your Story
  10. Seminar Blessings

19.00 EUR  19.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: CDE00215
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A Servant of God
Autor: Klemp, Harold

DVD ( 1996 ECK Springtime Seminar, San Francisco, California)

"This ECKANKAR DVD features Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar, speaking at the 1996 ECK Springtime Seminar in San Francisco, California.He is the author of Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel, along with more than one hundred other published works about Soul’s journey home to God. Known as a pioneer of „everyday spirituality,“ he is helping many thousends discover the way of bringing the enlightenment of Soul into everyday life and practice." (blurb)

This talk reflects on the journey of Soul. First you discover God’s love in your life. And as we become more aware of God’s love in our life, we learn to become a servant of God. An African ECKist thought that he needed a gold pin representing his beliefs to be recognized as a servant of God. When he loses the pin, he learns that when you wear your beliefs in your heart, other people can read them there. You can also be a servant of God by simply giving someone a book.Listen for your own key to becoming a Co-worker with God.

Track Titles:
  1. The Isle of Crippling Foresight
  2. Increasing Responsibility
  3. Doctors and Your Health
  4. A Brilliant Wave of HU
  5. The Lost ECK Pin
  6. Putting HU on the List
  7. Life between Lives
  8. Why Do Souls Exist?
  9. Awaiting Rebirth

24.00 EUR  24.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: DVDE00083
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A Servant of God
Autor: Klemp, Harold

CD Re- Release in 2015 ( 1996 ECK Springtime Seminar, San Francisco, California)

"This Eckankar CD features Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar, speaking at the 1996 ECK Springtime Seminar in San Francisco, California.
He is the author of Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel, along with more than one hundred other published works about Soul’s journey home to God. Known as a pioneer of „everyday spirituality,“ he is helping many thousends discover the way of bringing the enlightenment of Soul into everyday life and practice." (blurb)

As we become more aware of God’s love in our life, we learn to become a servant of God. For example, in one story an African ECKist thought that he needed a gold pin representing his beliefs to be recognized as a servant of God. He learns that when you wear your beliefs in your heart, other people can read them there. You can also be a servant of God by simply giving someone a book. This talk will help you find your own way to be a servant of God.

Track Titles:
  1. The Isle of Crippling Foresight
  2. Increasing Resonsibility
  3. Doctors and Your Health
  4. A Brilliant Wave of HU
  5. A Lost ECK Pin
  6. Putting HU on the List
  7. Life between Lives
  8. Why Do Souls Exist?
  9. Awaiting Rebirth

19.00 EUR  19.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: CDE00144
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A Spiritual Move Up
Autor: Klemp, Harold

CD Re- Release in 2015 (1986 ECKANKAR Creative Arts Festival, New Orleans, Louisiana)

"This Eckankar CD features Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar, speaking at the 1986 ECKANKAR Creative Arts Festival in New Orleans, Louisiana.
He is the author of Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel, along with more than one hundred other published works about Soul’s journey home to God. Known as a pioneer of „everyday spirituality,“ he is helping many thousends discover the way of bringing the enlightenment of Soul into everyday life and practice." (blurb)

Potential problems can multiply each time you make a spiritual move up. Have you noticed even the simplest things can sometimes take more effort or strength? This talk, “A Spiritual Move Up,” shows you how to minimize troubles each time the consciousness expands.

Track Titles:
  1. The Bellman's Snow Job
  2. Cosmic Consciousness and Soul Mates
  3. The Soul Travel Path
  4. Ovens, Cars, and Vibrational Change
  5. Power of Thoughts and Words
  6. Hitting the Jackpot
  7. The Warm Welcome
  8. Contemporary Spirituality

19.00 EUR  19.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: CDE00161
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About Dreams and Things
Autor: Klemp, Harold

DVD Re-Release in 2018 (1992 ECK Worldwide Seminar, Minneapolis, Minnesota)

"This ECKANKAR DVD features Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar, speaking at the 1992 ECK Worldwide Seminar in Minneapolis, Minnesota.He is the author of Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel, along with more than one hundred other published works about Soul’s journey home to God. Known as a pioneer of „everyday spirituality,“ he is helping many thousends discover the way of bringing the enlightenment of Soul into everyday life and practice." (blurb)

Sri Harold illustrates the knack of graceful living. One ECKist has a waking dream: When a truck cuts her off while she’s driving, she becomes angry, then gets a special message as the truck passes.Thoughts are things that create karma. When you catch yourself building karmic thoughts, you can change the outcome by singing HU.Sri Harold also speaks of the very special presence you feel when you’re at the Temple of ECK. It is a Temple of Golden Wisdom.

Track Titles:
  1. Gifts on the Temple Trails
  2. Right on Time
  3. A Sign of Grace
  4. Copper-Coin Confirmation
  5. Thoughts Have Life
  6. Heart Healing with Peddar Zaskq
  7. Presence of the Temple
  8. Dream-State Surgery
  9. All Healing Is from God
  10. We Live Forever
  11. New Releases

24.00 EUR  24.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: DVDE00145
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