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The Road to Spiritual Freedom (Mahanta Transcripts, Book 17)
Autor: Klemp, Harold

Springtime Seminar 2016, (large paperback, 381 pages)

See a greater vison of life

"Do you relish life? Is it an adventure of discovery, joy, and satisfaction? It can be! Harold Klemp confronts a world of limitations and offers startling possibilities. His wisdom and heartopening stories of everyday people having extraordinary experiences tell of a secret truth at work in your life - there is divine purpose and meaning to every experience you have. Every single moment of your life is the handiwork of a higher cause. And you can know what it is. Hint: God's love is the key, and spiritual freedom is the goal. If you want true freedom from the limitations upon your heart, mind, and spirit, here's a chance to earn it. Be open to the inner Voice of Soul - your true self - as your explore the revelations given within these pages. Pay attention to your dreams. Invite the wonder of the great unknown into your being. Are you ready to accept the freedom of a new state of consciousness? Then noting can hold you back. Spiritual freedom can be yours!" (blurb)

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Siehe alle verfügbaren Englischen Mahanta Transcripts

Kontakt in Deutschland:
ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V.
Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a
D-86157 Augsburg

ISBN: 978-1-57043-341-2
381 Seiten  Einband: Softcover
20.00 EUR  20.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: BE00179
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The Rope of Karma
Autor: Klemp, Harold

CD (1984 Regional Seminar, Sydney, Australia)

"This Eckankar CD features Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar, speaking at the 1984 Regional Seminar in Sydney, Australia.
He is the author of Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel, along with more than sixty other published works about Soul’s journey home to God. Known as a pioneer of „everyday spirituality,“ he is helping thousends discover the way of bringing the enlightenment of Soul into everyday life and practice." (blurb)

In this inspiring talk by Sri Harold Klemp, we learn how the ECK initiations and daily spiritual exercises free us from the karma that we carry from this and past lifetimes. The Master explains how the Holy Spirit brings the purification and liberation of Soul through initiation. And when this liberation comes, you are on the threshold of becoming a Co-worker with God."(blurb)

Track Titles:
  1. Paul's Writing Technique
  2. Parent Says, "Be Clean!" Child Says, "Be Alive!"
  3. The Fire-Exit Detour
  4. Sugmad's Need for Soul
  5. The Power of ECK Initiation
  6. An ECK-Vidya Reading
  7. Eternity Road
  8. An ECKist TV Show Writer?
  9. Soul, Initiation, and the Light Giver
  10. Walk in the Light and Sound of God

Kontakt in Deutschland:
ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V.
Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a
D-86157 Augsburg

19.00 EUR  19.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: CDE00032
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The Secret Language of Waking Dreams
Autor: Avery, Mike

(large paperback, 137 pages)

"Within this book are fascinating examples from real people who learned to listen to their own inner language - the secret language of waking dreams.
Through humble sources they found insights into burdensome problems, prophecies, and even warnings.
Are you overlooking the countless ways life speaks to you for your benefit?
Examples and easy techniques in The Secret Language of Waking Dreams will help you discover the key symbols that alert you to the significance of seeming coincidences.
This guide to a better spiritual understanding of your own secret language can wake you up to what life is really trying to teach you." (blurb)

Kontakt in Deutschland:
ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V.
Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a
D-86157 Augsburg

ISBN: 978-1-57043-179-1
137 Seiten  Einband: Softcover
18.00 EUR  18.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: BE00040
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The Secret of Love
Autor: Klemp, Harold

DVD (Temple of ECK Worship Services, Chanhassan, Minnesota)

"This ECKANKAR DVD features Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar, speaking at ta Temple of ECK Worship Services in Chanhassan, Minnesota.He is the author of Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel, along with more than one hundred other published works about Soul’s journey home to God. Known as a pioneer of „everyday spirituality,“ he is helping many thousends discover the way of bringing the enlightenment of Soul into everyday life and practice." (blurb)

A bond of love is stronger than time. This talk shows you how to live God’s love in your daily interactions with people and pets, and even in the inner worlds.God’s goal for you? Do the best you can, be the best you can. That’s the bottom line.Sometimes people don’t understand why they are here on earth. In this talk you’ll discover the reason why we bother—and why every minute counts. You’ll learn how to start sharing more love with the people closest to you and expand it until you can look into the eyes of the angel of love.This talk offers an exciting challenge for every seeker of God.

Track Titles:
  1. Welcome
  2. The Neighborhood Cardinals
  3. Wisdom from Stranger by the River, Part 1
  4. Wisdom from Stranger by the River, Part 2
  5. A Gift from Fubbi Quantz
  6. The Orange-Juice Lesson
  7. When the Light Goes Out
  8. Hot Day on the Road
  9. "Do I Go or Do I Stay?"
  10. Wisdom from Stranger by the River, Part 3

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Kontakt in Deutschland:
ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V.
Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a
D-86157 Augsburg

24.00 EUR  24.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: DVDE00097
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The Secret of Love
Autor: Klemp, Harold

CD (Temple of ECK Worship Service, Chanhassen, Minnesota)

"This Eckankar CD features Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar, speaking at a Temple of ECK Worship Service in Chanhassen, Minnesota.
He is the author of Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel, along with more than one hundred other published works about Soul’s journey home to God. Known as a pioneer of „everyday spirituality,“ he is helping many thousends discover the way of bringing the enlightenment of Soul into everyday life and practice." (blurb)

A bond of love is stronger than time. This talk shows you how to live God’s love in your daily interactions with people and pets, and even in the inner worlds.God’s goal for you? Do the best you can, be the best you can. That’s the bottom line.Sometimes people don’t understand why they are here on earth. In this talk you’ll discover the reason why we bother—and why every minute counts. You’ll learn how to start sharing more love with the people closest to you and expand it until you can look into the eyes of the angel of love.This talk offers an exciting challenge for every seeker of God.

Track Titles:
  1. Welcome
  2. The Neighbourhood Cardinals
  3. Wisdom from Stranger by the River, Part.1
  4. Wisdom from Stranger by the River, Part.2
  5. A Gift from Fubbi Quantz
  6. The Orange-Juice Lesson
  7. When the Light Goes Out
  8. Hot Day on the Roof
  9. "Do I Go or Do I Stay?"
  10. Wisdom from Stranger by the River,Part.3

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Kontakt in Deutschland:
ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V.
Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a
D-86157 Augsburg

19.00 EUR  19.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: CDE00116
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The Secret of Love (Mahanta Transcripts, Book 14)
Autor: Klemp, Harold

Third Printing 2000, (large paperback, 244 pages)

"How do you find love in your life? Your life is what you have made it. If you can learn from the lessons you have created for yourself, you’ll find greater happiness, peace, and freedom from fear.
How do you do it? Who holds the secret? The Mahanta.
As Soul you have the God-knowledge within you. The Master’s main job is to awaken the knowledge and love for the divine things that are already in your heart. You are Soul. You are a child of God.
And your spiritual destiny is to become a Co-worker with God, to spread divine love to all those around you.
The Secret of Love, the fourteenth volume in the Mahanta Transcripts series, is full of stories and practical insights to help you expand and be stretched. Through small acts of love you’ll find yourself—and find God. You’ll discover the secret that in giving, you most receive.
This book will show you how to open your heart to yourself and others. To gain a greater sense of spiritual consciousness, to awaken into a larger room.
This book has been updated to include sidebar quotes that spotlight spiritual insights on each page." (blurb)

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Siehe alle verfügbaren Englischen Mahanta Transcripts

Kontakt in Deutschland:
ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V.
Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a
D-86157 Augsburg

ISBN: 978-1-57043-114-2
244 Seiten  Einband: Softcover
20.00 EUR  20.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: BE00182
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The Secret of Spirituality
Autor: Twitchell, Paul

CD (1970 Regional Seminar Sacramento, California)

"Paul Twitchell, the modern-day founder of Eckankar, was the Mahanta, the Living ECK-Master of his times. He recorded many talks at ECK events and trainings he held around the U.S. during his life.
This talk was recorded at the 1970 Sacramento Regional Seminar in Sacramento, California.
The path of ECK is simple. How often do we make it harder than it has to be?
Paul Twitchell offers two effortless keys to ECK, designed to set aside the complexity oft he mind and build our intuitive muscles. "The Secret of Spirituality" holds the secret to smooth, continual growth in ECK-without unneeded crises or suffering." (blurb)

Kontakt in Deutschland:
ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V.
Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a
D-86157 Augsburg

19.00 EUR  19.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: CDE00041
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The Secret Path to God
Autor: Klemp, Harold

DVD (2000 ECK Worldwide Seminar, Minneapolis, Minnesota)

"This ECKANKAR DVD features Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar, speaking at the 2000 ECK Worldwide Seminar in Minneapolis, Minnesota.He is the author of Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel, along with more than one hundred other published works about Soul’s journey home to God. Known as a pioneer of „everyday spirituality,“ he is helping many thousends discover the way of bringing the enlightenment of Soul into everyday life and practice." (blurb)

What is the secret path to God? This talk will provide principles, stories, tools, and techniques for you to find your own way on the secret path to God.The Master reads a letter here from a High Initiate in Eckan-kar that you’ll want to hear. This is a very good letter that tells people how to follow the secret path to God and gain spiritual liberation in this lifetime. It’s said so very nicely—the why and the what-for of the ECK teachings and what they mean to you.The spiritual path to God follows many little trails before one actually comes to the teachings. The ECK Masters began to help Phyllis when she was a young girl and guided her through the years. Near her fiftieth birthday, she was ready to find the ECK teachings. Sri Ha-rold shares seven key lessons she’s learned since being in Eckankar just a few years. This is just one of the heartwarming stories of the ways ECK helps you as you face the changes life brings.Another woman recei-ved a special lesson on love. At the time, her life had become difficult: a divorce, her son was on drugs, and her family seemed to have abandoned her. She sat crying in her car on the roadside one day, and a horse came galloping up to her. As he looked her in the eye, the most incredible stream of love flowed from the horse to her.She knew this was the blessing of the Holy Spirit, the ECK, bringing comfort to her. This was a gift from the Mahanta. She realized she could just be love. And if you are love, the person or thing you love will know.Change comes to each of us as part of the secret path to God. And with it comes the Mahanta’s greater love.Remember the value of the Spiritual Exercises of ECK. In this talk, Sri Harold gives you a new three-part spiritual exercise for the ECK-Vidya, the ancient science of prophecy. This can offer a good look at the events that affect you today.The ECK teachings are the secret path to God. And they are secret only in that they’re custom-fitted for you.

Track Titles:
  1. Welcome to the 2000 ECK Worldwide Seminar
  2. Health Tip on Helping Yourself
  3. Why Mainline Churches Return to the Basics
  4. A Traveler at the Pearly Gates
  5. How to Follow the Secret Path
  6. Phyllis’s Seven Lessons
  7. A Horse’s Gift to Mary
  8. Ants on the Move for Love
  9. “What Are You Singing?”
  10. Moving Out of Your Spot
  11. Spiritual Exercise for the ECK-Vidya

Kontakt in Deutschland:
ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V.
Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a
D-86157 Augsburg

24.00 EUR  24.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: DVDE00068
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The Secret Path to God
Autor: Klemp, Harold

CD Re-Release in 2017 (2000 ECK Worldwide Seminar, Minneapolis, Minnesota)

"This Eckankar CD features Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar, speaking at the 2000 ECK Worldwide Seminar, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
He is the author of Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel, along with more than one hundred other published works about Soul’s journey home to God. Known as a pioneer of „everyday spirituality,“ he is helping many thousends discover the way of bringing the enlightenment of Soul into everyday life and practice." (blurb)

What is the secret path to God? This talk will provide principles, stories, tools, and techniques for you to find your own way on the secret path to God.Change comes to each of us as part of the secret path to God. And with it comes the Mahanta’s greater love.Remember the value of the Spiritual Exercises of ECK. In this talk, Sri Harold gives a new three-part spiritual exercise for the ECK-Vidya, the ancient science of prophecy. This can offer a good look at the events that affect you today.

Track Titles:
  1. Welcome
  2. Health Tip on Helping Yourself
  3. Why Mainline Churches Return to the Basics
  4. A Traveler at the Pearly Gates
  5. How to Follow the Secret Path
  6. Phyllis’s Seven Lessons
  7. A Horse’s Gift to Mary
  8. Ants on the Move for Love
  9. “What Are You Singing?”
  10. Moving Out of Your Spot
  11. Spiritual Exercise for the ECK-Vidya

Kontakt in Deutschland:
ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V.
Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a
D-86157 Augsburg

19.00 EUR  19.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: CDE00236
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The Secret Path to Heaven
Autor: Klemp, Harold

DVD (2009 ECK Worldwide Seminar, Minneapolis, Minnesota)

"This ECKANKAR DVD features Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar, speaking at the 2009 ECK Worldwide Seminar in Minneapolis, Minnesota.Do you ever wonder how to be grateful when life is hard? How to keep your inner fire alive? What to do when your friends do things that are against your personal code?
The Master's answers to several poignant questions from young people shed new light on how to live joyfully and with more wisdom.
You'll not forget the lesson of Ellen and the one hundred and twenty barks, or the miraculous intervention of Rebazar Tarzs saving Walter's life. These and other captivating stories, gems of truth, and rich humor from the Master will open your awareness to the secret path to heaven, here, today, in your very own life." (blurb)

Track Titles:
  1. Welcome to the 2009 ECK Springtime Seminar
  2. Keeping the Inner Fire Alive
  3. The Role of Humor in Spirituality
  4. Being Grateful When Life Is Hard
  5. A Smoker, a Gossip, and an Atheist
  6. Arthur and the Long Walk Home
  7. A Hundred and Twenty Barks
  8. Walter Twice Saved
  9. "There’s My Sign!"
  10. Back to the Path of ECK
  11. Tom Waits for the Right Table
  12. Talk Summary and Closing

Kontakt in Deutschland:
ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V.
Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a
D-86157 Augsburg

24.00 EUR  24.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: DVDE00031
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