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Contemplation Seeds on the Temple of ECK
Autor: Klemp, Harold

ECK Spiritual New Year Celebration 2020, (paperback, 51 pages)

"Explore your personal connection to a Teple of Golden Wisdom with this select collection of contemplation seeds and spiritual exercises.
Visiting the Temple of ECK, inwardly or outwardly, stirs an awareness of the holy temple of God within your own heart.
Enjoy your journey!" (blurb)

Kontakt in Deutschland:
ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V.
Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a
D-86157 Augsburg

ISBN: 978-1-57043-504-1
51 Seiten  Einband: Softcover
4.00 EUR  4.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: BE00201
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Contemplation Techniques for the Individual
Autor: Twitchell, Paul

CD Re-Release in 2016 (1968)

"Paul Twitchell, the modern-day founder of Eckankar, was the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master of this times.
This talk was a 1968 Special Recording.Paul Twitchell outlines five techniques to move beyond the physical consciousness. They are designed to be used throughout the day: while working, daydreaming, or before drifting off to sleep at night.Paul also shows how these exercises benefit all life, as we begin to work in the spiritual worlds of God." (blurb)

Kontakt in Deutschland:
ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V.
Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a
D-86157 Augsburg

19.00 EUR  19.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: CDE00183
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Contemplation, Meditation, and Soul Travel
Autor: Twitchell, Paul

CD (1967 Special Recording)

"Paul Twitchell , the modern-day founder of Eckankar, was the Mahanta, the Living ECK of his times. He recorded many talks at ECK events and trainings he held around the United States during his life. This special recording was recorded in 1967.
In “Contemplation, Meditation, and Soul Travel,” Paul explains how “being still and doing something” affects our spiritual practices and, in turn, becoming a Co-worker with God. He also talks about the importance of maintaining balance in our inner and outer lives." (blurb)

Kontakt in Deutschland:
ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V.
Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a
D-86157 Augsburg

19.00 EUR  19.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: CDE00064
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Dance of the HU

Music-CD Re- Release in 2015

"The music selected for this beautiful audio recording was written and performed by accomplished ECK musicians who believe in the healing power of the Sound Current and who aspire to uplift the listener through their art. The selections on this CD were recorded live at major ECKANKAR seminars."(blurb)

Track Titles:
  1. Dance of the HU 7:31
  2. The Happy Fool 5:50
  3. The Swan 3:44
  4. Highland Journey Home 4:06
  5. The Eternal Truth of ECK 6:11
  6. Dream Weaving 3:52
  7. Gratitude 5:16
  8. The Winds of Heaven 6:29
  9. I Am Worthy 3:01
  10. The Dawn of Freedom 5:19
  11. Dance of the HU (repise) 3:08

Kontakt in Deutschland:
ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V.
Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a
D-86157 Augsburg

24.00 EUR  24.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: CDE00145
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Dancing to the Rhythm of Life
Autor: Klemp, Harold

DVD (1995 ECK Summer Festival, Anaheim, California)

"This ECKANKAR DVD features Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar, speaking at the 1995 ECK Summer Festival in Anaheim, California.He is the author of Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel, along with more than one hundred other published works about Soul’s journey home to God. Known as a pioneer of „everyday spirituality,“ he is helping many thousends discover the way of bringing the enlightenment of Soul into everyday life and practice." (blurb)

“Dancing to the Rhythm of Life” gives ways to catch the pulse of life, to drink in truth directly from daily experiences. Sometimes dancing to the rhythm of life involves just an understanding of our relationship with the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master—with the Inner Master.One woman witnessed a miracle as she learned that showing divine love is a good way to stay in the rhythm of life. A man discovered that some-times it means keeping one’s word, which builds a better spiritual future. A third chela healed a lifelong imbalance in her relationships and self-image, with help from the HU. And another woman discovered her cat had been her toy poodle in an earlier incarnation.The talk ends with a story that you can use as the basis for a spiritual exercise to drink from the waters of life, the ECK. Only those with a loving heart ever get to drink from the living waters of life. Many may find it, but only those who come with love in their hearts will know what to give to drink of it.

Track Titles:
  1. Welcome-Health and the Spiritual Life
  2. Illness and Your Creative Powers
  3. The Old ECK Master
  4. The Little-Bit-Smarter Cow
  5. A Long Wait in Line
  6. The Second Job Offer
  7. A Simple Spiritual Exercise
  8. Misha the Kitty and Lulu the Dog
  9. The Upper Room
  10. Helping ECK in a Quiet Way
  11. Being Sensitive to Others
  12. The Living Waters of Life

Kontakt in Deutschland:
ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V.
Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a
D-86157 Augsburg

24.00 EUR  24.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: DVDE00095
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Dancing to the Rhythm of Life
Autor: Klemp, Harold

CD (1995 ECK Summar Festival, Anaheim, California)

"This Eckankar CD features Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar, speaking at the 1995 ECK Summar Festival in Anaheim, California.
He is the author of Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel, along with more than one hundred other published works about Soul’s journey home to God. Known as a pioneer of „everyday spirituality,“ he is helping many thousends discover the way of bringing the enlightenment of Soul into everyday life and practice." (blurb)

“Dancing to the Rhythm of Life” gives ways to catch the pulse of life, to drink in truth directly from daily experiences. Sometimes dancing to the rhythm of life involves just an understanding of our relationship with the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master—with the Inner Master.One woman witnessed a miracle as she learned that showing divine love is a good way to stay in the rhythm of life. A man discovered that some-times it means keeping one’s word, which builds a better spiritual future. A third chela healed a lifelong imbalance in her relationships and self-image, with help from the HU. And another woman discovered her cat had been her toy poodle in an earlier incarnation.The talk ends with a story that you can use as the basis for a spiritual exercise to drink from the waters of life, the ECK. Only those with a loving heart ever get to drink from the living waters of life. Many may find it, but only those who come with love in their hearts will know what to give to drink of it.

Track Titles:
  1. Welcome-Health and the Spiritual Life
  2. Illness and Your Creative Powers
  3. The Old ECK Master
  4. The Little-Bit-Smarter Cow
  5. A Long Wait in Line
  6. The Second Job Offer
  7. A Simple Spiritual Exercise
  8. Misha the Kitty and Lulu the Dog
  9. The Upper Room
  10. Helping ECK in a Quiet Way
  11. Being Sensitive to Others
  12. The Living Waters of Lifer

Kontakt in Deutschland:
ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V.
Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a
D-86157 Augsburg

19.00 EUR  19.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: CDE00115
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Davie Learns a Lesson about Karma
Autor: Kaplan, Debbie

(11-by-8.5-inch booklet, 22 pages)

"Davie sees the fire truck of his dreams in the play-park sandbox. He can't believe his good fortune and takes it home with him. The lesson Davie learns, that "Everything you do will come back to you," is just the beginning.
Find out what else Davie learns and what he does that earns him a gift, shinier than the fire truck, that will last his whole life.
This little picture book can help anyone better understand how the Law of Karma works and see the spiritual gifts life can bring."(blurb)

Siehe alle Teile dieser Reihe

Kontakt in Deutschland:
ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V.
Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a
D-86157 Augsburg

ISBN: 978-1-57043-348-1
22 Seiten  Einband: Softcover
13.00 EUR  13.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: YE00046
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Dawn of a New Golden Age (8 by 10 inches - 203mm x 254mm)

Art Poster (Released at the 2016 ECK Springtime Seminar)

"This engaging, uplifting spiritual landscape by ECK artist Mark Daehlin opens your eyes to a divine connection the Temple of ECK on earth and a golden era for seekers to find the Living ECK Master. It’s a visual celebration of history in the making."(blurb)

Kontakt in Deutschland:
ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V.
Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a
D-86157 Augsburg

15.00 EUR  15.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: PO00014
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Autor: Twitchell, Paul

CD (1971 Portland Regional Seminar, Portland, Oregon)

"Paul Twitchell, the modern-day founder of Eckankar, was the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master of this times.
This talk was recorded at the 1971 Portland Regional Seminar in Portland, Oregon.Touching upon the world of fantasy and daydreams, Paul demonstrates the importance of dreams to our survival. Ways to build dream-come-true images—and then step into the picture—are given. He also gives examples of people who transformed their dreams into reality." (blurb)

Kontakt in Deutschland:
ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V.
Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a
D-86157 Augsburg

19.00 EUR  19.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: CDE00125
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Dear God, Use Me as You Will
Autor: Klemp, Harold

CD Released in Spring 2018 (1990 ECK South Pacific Regional Seminar, Adelaide, Australia)

"This Eckankar CD features Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar, speaking at the 1990 ECK South Pacific Regional Seminar, Adelaide, Australia.
He is the author of Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel, along with more than one hundred other published works about Soul’s journey home to God. Known as a pioneer of „everyday spirituality,“ he is helping many thousends discover the way of bringing the enlightenment of Soul into everyday life and practice." (blurb)

This talk describes the ways some people have given service to God. When we offer to serve life, we need to work with people according to their own level of consciousness. By giving love to others, you’ll find that it returns to you—so much that you will sometimes barely be able to contain yourself.

Track Titles:
  1. When You Don’t Remember Your Dreams
  2. More Than One Heaven
  3. Appetite for Truth on the Inner Planes
  4. Truth and the Light of Love
  5. Asking to Be of Service
  6. The True Role of Hardships
  7. Translation and the Final Choice
  8. A Spiritual Exercise for Pearl
  9. The One-Good-Deed Spiritual Exercise

Kontakt in Deutschland:
ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V.
Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a
D-86157 Augsburg

19.00 EUR  19.00 CHF      (Preis ohne MWST; siehe hier unsere Angaben dazu)
Artikelnr.: CDE00245
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