Neu siehe BE00210, Restbestand, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE, (large paperback, 278 pages)

"You march through life to the drumbeat of time. Each beat of the drum marks a moment. Some moments bring a challenge to face, but all are a gift from God. Grow wiser and stronger as each challenge come to you. Learn to listen and to love. To hear God speak to you, guiding you each day of your life. This readable, sensible guide to living each moment fully is packed with Harold Klemp's stories, insights, and exercises to help you discover how to turn problems into opportunities for spiritual growth..." (blurb)

Siehe alle verfügbaren Englischen Mahanta Transcripts

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ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V.
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D-86157 Augsburg

Klemp, Harold The Drumbeat of Time (Mahanta Transcripts, Book 10) (earlier version)

ISBN: 978-1-57043-011-4
278 Seiten  Einband: Softcover
5.00 EUR  5.00 CHF

Artikelnr.: BE00015



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