(small booklet, 69 pages, Restbestand - nur solange Vorrat, EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICE))

"Spiritual Wisdom on Relationships can help you find graeter happiness in your relationships!
You will discover the source of love, the secret of all relationships, wisdom on strengthening a marriage, how to love yourself, how to find solace when a loved one dies, your bond of love with all life - and with God, and much more.
Try the techniques and spiritual exercises to begin a happier, more fulfilling life today." (blurb)

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Kontakt in Deutschland:
ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V.
Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a
D-86157 Augsburg

Klemp, Harold Spiritual Wisdom on Relationships

ISBN: 978-1-57043-242-2
69 Seiten  Einband: Softcover
0.00 EUR  0.00 CHF

Artikelnr.: BE00107



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