Springtime Seminar 2012,(8.5-by-11-inch booklet, 21 pages)

"The Master awakens the wisdom and love of Soul in his most recent seminar talks.
This booklet contains transcripts of these two talks by Sri Harold:
Teacher and Student, from the 2010 ECK Worldwide Seminar, and All in Good Time, from the 2011 ECK Springtime Seminar.Stories from around the globe illumine the spiritual gems the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master shares.
Each talk offers a potent upsurge in our understanding of how the ECK works in our daily life." (blurb)

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Klemp, Harold The Master's Talks in Year Of the ECK Teacher - 2010-11

ISBN: 978-1-57043-365-8
21 Seiten  Einband: Geheftet
9.00 EUR  9.00 CHF

Artikelnr.: BE00136



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