"This tape index was lovingly compiled by volunteers from ECKANKAR's audiocassettes released through the year 2000. The Talks were given by Sri Harold Klemp, Paul Twitchell, and other ECK preseters. This excellent tool can greatly expedite your ECK research when you are pregaring for a talk or a class, or for learning more about a spiritual subject important to you. Many topics are available, including: ECK Masters, healing, destiny, dreams, reincarnation, Soul Travel, and much more." (blurb) For use with Acrobat Reader or MS Word 97-2002 and 6.0/95
Verlag: ECKANKAR Kontakt in Deutschland: ECKANKAR Gemeinnützige Studiengruppe Deutschland e.V. Franz-Kobinger-Straße 9a D-86157 Augsburg infodienst@eckankar.de