CD (2008 ECK Worldwide Seminar, Minneapolis, Minnesota)

"Each time the Master speaks, truth and divine love mingle in new ways, sparking the imagination and creativity of Soul. This talk, 'Shifting Gears,' is filled with such wonders. Soul-to-Soul, Sri Harold Klemp speaks plain about the challenges we face and the spiritual opportunities before us. You'll hear about:
  • the spiritual purification of changing times,
  • a Christain's search for the Light of God,
  • Tom's healing from a past-life trauma,
  • why Andy spent a night in jail for his good intentions, and
  • why a tourist in Texas searched his van for the Sound of God.
Also of special note is the Master's reading from The Shariyat and his sage advice on how to keep clear of certain trouble. Care to know what the Master is saying to you personally about the shifting gears in your worlds? This gift is yours for the listening."(blurb)

Track Titles:
  1. Welcome to the 2008 ECK Worldwide Seminar
  2. Grocery-Store Conversations
  3. The Good Times, the Bad Times - Spiritual Purification
  4. The Year of Thanksgiving
  5. How the ECK Finds David
  6. Putting the Pieces Together
  7. A Past Life with William the Conqueror
  8. Andy's Ups and Downs with Self-Esteem
  9. Rose and the Golden Moth
  10. 'Honey, Do You Hear That Sound?'
  11. A Vacationer Searches for the Sound of God
  12. Talk Summary

Klemp, Harold Shifting Gears

19.00 EUR  19.00 CHF

Artikelnr.: CDE00036



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